chapter 3

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We all walked to the car and searched for a good restaurant. I was craving for a burger and a milkshake but due to Ally’s insistence, with a few arguments (she won of course because I love her), we ended up having dinner in a posh restaurant that must’ve been expensive. The ambiance of the room was nice with the lights low and a violin playing nearby which would make it romantic if couples dine in here.

We settled in the back corner of the restaurant and ordered heaps of food, well mostly mine and Niall’s anyway, I’m hungry so no judging. After I paid for the dinner to thank the boys for what they did for us, we went back to the hotel to rest. I found out that we are staying in the same hotel, our hotel.

Opening the door to our suite room I threw kicked my boots and dragged my sling bag literally. I changed into my pj’s and drifted to sleep.

The next day Ally woke me up early to shop for gowns which were her dream since the day she discovered fashion. So I changed into jeans and a button up sleeves and a pair of converse.

A whole day, it took us fucking whole day for Ally to decide which gown she wanted on me and on her. My feet is aching from the walking that we did and we had to go back the shop where she found her first choice and then to the shop where she said she found the perfect gown for me. After paying for my gown we went to buy shoes. I questioned the need of having another pair of heels when clearly she has a closet full of them and I could just borrow one from her. To which she answered with a scoff, “Holly babe, shoes is the important thing when dressing up. Good shoes take you to good places and it is a law to buy new shoes for every occasion,”

“Please, you’re just looking for an excuse to shop,” I rolled my eyes at her and she just smirked at me like telling “You got that right,”

Harry texted that they’re having a little interview. I told him to rescue me if he didn’t want me to die. He immediately called me and asked me what’s wrong.

“Please my feet are giving out. Rescue me from the clutch of this evil lady I am with who is addicted to shopping,” I groaned dramatically and I earned a glare from Ally.

I heard laughs from my phone, “You had me on speaker phone!” I accused Harry.

“Sorry, love they wanted to know what you’re up to,” he said still laughing.

“Well save me from Ally, I am very hungry and she refused to stop and eat because she didn’t want to waste time,” I grumbled which earned another round of laughter.

“Put it on speaker,” I heard Zayn say. I did what he said and motioned for Ally to listen.

“Ally, feed your little tiger. We don’t want you to be attacked, especially Niall. Ow. That was a joke, Niall,” Zayn said. Ally blushed deeply and I gasped and she gave the ‘you better keep your mouth shut or else’.

“It was not funny,” Niall said in his thick Irish accent.

“Your expression was kind of funny, mate,” Louis laughed.

“Hello, we’re still here and Zayn I’m not going to feed your little princess here until she learns the art of fashion,” Ally said smirking at me. Oh no she didn’t, she just didn’t say that out loud. Please someone wake me up from this dreadful dream. I really want to ram this shopping bang in that big mouth of her. She is the death of me. This girl clearly didn’t know what the right words to say.

“Hah! Karma’s a bitch, right Zayn?” Niall laughed.

“Bit you back in the arse Zayn? I have to admit I am impressed by your remark, Ally,” Liam said.

“I tend to have the best words when messed up with and it’s usually true,” Ally said.

“Save me from this evil witch guys,” I pleaded.

“Sorry, love I would love to but we’ve got interview and fan meetings,” Harry said apologetically.

“No, you’re not sorry you lots are quite enjoying my misery,” I accused them

“I know you don’t wanna hear this but yeah, we’re quite enjoying this,” Harry said.

“See! See! You’re not a friend at all,” I wailed.

“Oh quit being such a drama queen, we got to go,” Louis said,

“Okay bye guys, talk to you later, actually no. I’m never going to talk to you again especially you Harry,” I laughed.

“Bye!” they all chorused.

“Bye guys!” Ally said.

It was around 7 when we arrived in the hotel. I ordered room service because I was too tired I ordered a steak and a glass of wine.

I opened my planner to write down the schedule for the party in case there are some conflicts. I totally forgot, I have a paper due tomorrow until 2 in the afternoon. How could I ever forget? I’m so stupid.

“Ally! We have to go home tomorrow. I have a paper to pass,” I shouted from the couch. She was somewhere inside the suite I heard her muffled reply, “Okay. Good thing we shopped earlier,”

I went to my room and packed my things. So all I have to do is wake up shower and head to the train station with Ally.

Opened my blog and posted, “After an exhausting day of shopping with Ally, I almost forgot I have a paper to pass for the University. So tomorrow we’re going home. Salut Paris :’(“

After eating my super-duper delicious dinner my phone went off, without looking who was looking I answered it. “Hello?”

“So you’re going home? Without even telling us?” Zayn said with hurt in his voice.

“How did you even know we’re going home?” I answered his question with a question.

“We’ll…I…Okay, I checked your blog,” he said guiltily and I could feel him smiling sheepishly.

“Oh, well that answers my question and as for yours, yeah we’ll be going home tomorrow morning,” I said.

“We’ll miss you though. Hold on. Yes, Niall it’s true they’re going home tomorrow morning and no you can’t go and say goodbye to Ally because we have to go to this radio station,” I heard Zayn’s muffled shout.

“Shut up you twat! You’re on the phone with Holly who knows if that was on loudspeaker,” Niall shouted and I heard a couple of groans. I laughed at Niall’s reaction.

“So anyway I just want to confirm what I read, anyway have a safe trip. Bon voyage! We have to go, our amazing presence is needed at a gathering,” Zayn said.

“Okay then. Don’t let me stop you from presenting you amazing selves at that gathering,” I laughed. Talking to Zayn is fun. Although his voice constantly sends shivers on my spine, I tried to avoid it. But seriously who would not be not smitten by that guy or the five of them? With heavenly looks like that no wonder girls all over the world love them especially with the way they act. It’s as if they’re just normal guys who happen to have nice voice that when you hear them your hairs would stand up.

“Bye Holly, see you when we see you, yeah?”

“Bye Zayn,” I ended the call and went to sleep without showering.I'll do that tomorrow morning I’m too tired.

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