Living the Bright Lights

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Ah.. Freedom in Paris. I can just feel the wind softly blowing my face. It’s my third day here with my cousin Ally. We’ve explored Paris by ourselves and every day we would stop here in the Eiffel Tower I’ve always liked the view especially at night.  And right now we’re just waiting for the lights to be turned on although it’s still early. I love Paris in the afternoon it’s just so beautiful you know.

“Holly! Run!” Ally’s frantic scream snapped me out of my reverie. She was running towards me away from something or someone. And then as I peered behind Ally, I saw them and my heart started to beat faster which turned me into the panic mode Holly which is a good thing because when I’m in panic I can run faster than the norm and my thinking skills turn amazingly fast.

“Ally run faster!!!”, I grabbed her hand and started running away from the guys in black suit. This is what I hate about my life I always guarded, always surrounded by body guards. This is one of the reasons why we snuck out of the mansion. We ran away from home to have a little vacation, a freedom from my dad’s hectic world.  And now these guys are going to bring us back to England.

“How the hell did they find us here?!” Ally screamed as I veered us towards the crowd of screaming girls. As we joined the crowed, I fumbled on my hair letting it down

“Quick! Pull down your hair and wear those big glasses we bought earlier,” I said urgently.

“Here put on these wig bangs I got for us,” Ally handed me the bangs after I checked where the guys are. Apparently they saw us run here and now they’re headed this way.  Ally walked further in the crowd holding my hand. Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me out. It’s Tony. Oh F*ck! I don’t want to fight him. He’s like our older brother for goodness’ sake. The old man really knows how to play dirty.

“Ally!!! Tony got me! Help!” I shouted over the sound of the screaming girls. My hand slipped out of Ally’s and I was being held tightly on my arm.

“Miss Holly you and Miss Ally need to go home. We are ordered by your father to come and get you,” He said in a silent but stern whisper.

“No, we won’t” I protested tugging my arm.

“Hoooolllyyyy!!!! Heeeeeelp!” I heard Ally’s blood curling scream. I turned around and saw that Stan got her, holding her captive while flinching at her blood curling scream.

Oh god! We’ve attracted attention. The girls went quiet and the boys at the center of the crowd raised their heads and watched us as if there’s an interesting show in front of them. I turned to Tony, punched his stomach and his face the  followed grabbing his arm and flipping him over. There was a satisfying thud followed by a loud groan. That should be enough to stop Tony from running after me. Learning self-defense really has its perks. 

I ran towards the screaming Ally. You know she tends to over react when she’s in a really tight situation and this is one example.  I punched Stan in the gut, he flinched just slightly but then he grabbed my arm twisting it behind me.  I really hate this; Stan is one of the best bodyguards we ever have. And he’s the one who taught us about self-defense who of course would win whenever we fight.  I grunted as pain shoot through my arm. I struggled but his hold on me tightened whenever I move. I looked up and saw everyone—I mean everyone in the vicinity, watching us. I scanned my eyes around and landed on the most alluring eyes I have ever seen, a set of brown eyes that change its shade according to the angle of the light. I shot him a “help me” look. On my peripheral vision, I saw Ally throw down a bodyguard on the ground.

“Miss Holly this is absolutely necessary. If I have to drug the both of you I will do that just to get you home.  Now please don’t make it any harder for us than it already is,” he said as he loosened his hold on me.

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