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Levi •

I wake up to the movement that was coming from the opposite side of the bed and look to see that Jonah got up and left the door open. I shift from my original position into a much more comfortable one, only to be woken up by none other than the alarm clock herself.

" Levi!" Jonah says, whilst jumping up and down on my bed, coming out from no where.

I throw a pillow at her and get another to bury my head from the daylight.

"Jonah!" I mock her in a muffled tone, "it's a Saturday" I say while sitting up to look at her.


"So? You can't just wake a person up on a Saturday at, 9 in the morning! People can die if you wake them up like that."

"Well Vivian," I roll my eyes, smiling at that childish nickname "I've been waking you up for the past 6 years and you're still alive." She giggles throwing a pillow back at me.

"Whatever you say, Jonas." I grin devilishly. I remember back then, the teacher would mistake her name as Jonas, like the band, and she'd get annoyed everytime.

"So we're bringing up the past now huh?" She says crossing her arms at me.

"Yup" I answer childishly and get up to go to the bathroom. "Is my mom home?"

"Sadly, she made breakfast and asked me to wake you before I could have any. And with that, she left the building." She exaggerates on 'building' by stretching her arms making a silly airplane movement around my room.

I laugh at her foolishness and started to brush my teeth.

"I don't get why you do that." She says standing by my bathroom frame.

"Dho- hwat" I reply, not bothering to remove the toothbrush or stop brushing my teeth.

"Brush your teeth before breakfast."

"It makes me feel fresh. Unlike you who hasn't." I rinse out the rest of the remnants out of my mouth.

"I brush after eating, it makes more sense considering that I'm washing the food out so that I don't have to do it twice." She finishes by looking at herself in the mirror beside me, and starts to tie her hair.

"No wonder your breathe smells terrible." I tease

"Excuse me, I use mouthwash." And with that, she raises her cup of Listerine up and gargles. I shake my head, trying to hide the grin creeping up on my face by gargling too. And we start to make weird faces in the mirror, she makes this one goofy face where she crosses her eyes while scrunching her nose (yet she still looked adorable) and I can't contain my laughter, so I spit out the mouthwash to laugh at her. She does the same and laughs at herself till we both couldn't breathe.

"So," settling down "breakfast?"

Little Do You Know; Levi Z. Miller fanficWhere stories live. Discover now