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~ Levi ~
2 weeks later

"I can't believe Johnny would do that to Victoria, I honestly thought they were endgame." Jonah says, fishing for her keys.

"It's nothing to talk about." I open the door for her, noticing how many stuff she's carrying. And hang on to her shoulders to gently push her in.

The house was empty, it's not that nothing was inside, but nobody was home (as usual).

"I'm home" I chuckle, I don't see why she has to say that because there's nobody here (her mom and dad run a business that my mom works for and spends all their time there. Her siblings are either in college or go to a boarding school, so she's usually alone after school. Which is how our friendship began, the only living thing in this home -- besides the plants and her-- is --)

"GEORGIE!!" The brown furred puppy hops onto my lap, and licks my face. We can't have dogs at mine because one of my sisters are allergic.

"Hi girl." I hand Georgie over to Jo and walk into the kitchen. I grab some popcorn and put it in the microwave.

"So how is it with that new boy, what was his name again? Harry?" I start up the conversation, not just out of silence... but also out of curiosity.

"Hunter" she corrects " And we only talk during Science. Those butterflies have gone away---" I zone out, YES! Aren't I already in the friend zone though?

Ouch Levi

But her feelings for him are already gone, so I don't need to worry about anything. My smile is probably evident. This was a good day.

"Hey! What're you smiling about? Were you even listening?" she laughs at me while taking the popcorn out of the microwave.

"Nothing" making my 'nothing' sound like 'nothiiiing' which will probably make her suspicious. Dammit Levi.

"Okay, I'll just head upstairs to get my notepad, then we'll start tutoring." Phew, she didn't notice.

"Okay" I put the rest of the popcorn in a bowl and head up to the attic, it's our safe place. I set out our notebooks and play 'Maybe IDK' by Jon Bellion. I plop myself down on the couch and read the first problem.


"LEVI! CAN YOU GET THAT PLEASE?" She says in a bossy tone.

"IM IN THE ATTIC, WHY CANT YOU?" I reply, I would've done it anyways, but I need an excuse.


"FINE" I get up lazy as can be, and run down stairs. Please be the pizza guy, wait did Jonah even order pizza? "DID YOU ORDER PIZZA?"

"YEP" yay. I need fooooood.

I open the door, very disappointed at the same time infuriated. It wasn't the pizza guy, it was


Little Do You Know; Levi Z. Miller fanficWhere stories live. Discover now