Half Breed 8

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They sat in eerie silence for what felt like eternity, till finally he grunted out a groan rubbing his face with a palm. Fork full of pasta Revy froze mid stride to her mouth, he was going to do something.

    “You really don’t remember me do you?” It almost sounded like a plea, she lightly shook her head taking the bite. But gods she wanted to remember him. Had she had this Alpha? Was he once her mate….did they…her cheeks flamed. Oh boy.

    “Its alright. Would you like more? Maybe coffee?” Revy’s head snapped like a rubber band, did he just say the magical fucking word. Coffee….how long. How long had it been since she’d sipped the mystical beverage. Her mouth watered.

    “Coffee…would be wonderful…Alpha” His eyes darkened, before his massive frame leaned forward.

    “You will call me Nick…not Alpha” Revy gulped. Bloody hell she was going to need a new change of panties. She nodded once as he pushed out of the stool heading to the large black god sent device that made coffee. It was so shiny and new.

She watched him with such fascination it would almost be stupid if he didn’t notice her, licking lips when she noticed he pulled out the orange bag reading “French Vanilla”. Oh yes. That black device hissed awake, sounding more like a moan to her ears. It was hard to look away as black liquid poured into a clean glass pot, but the sound of him behind her opening the fridge snapped Revy out of her trans.

Pulling out a bottle of identical coffee creamer Revy groaned a little to herself, if he wanted to keep her as a pet that was fine- as long as he supplied her endless amounts of this shit. A deep chuckle rose her eyes to his smiling ones. He found this funny did he, well then by all means laugh away Mr. Alpha. For the first time in a while Revy smiled slightly, his hand placed the creamer on the counter before coming to her side.

Brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes, Nick leaned down staring at her. The force to look away was growing, but Revy had practically lost everything else in her life- her strength to stare down an Alpha would be her saving grace.

    “You are just as beautiful as I remember” Her breath caught in her throat, threatening to chock her out. Gulping wasn’t even possible, which would of helped to send it back to the pit of her stomach.

”Wh…what?” She imagined her eyes had shifted to a darker Emerald, but without a mirror she couldn’t be sure.

    “Your beautiful” Again with that word, why of all the words was he picking that one. Revy had been accustom to insults, let downs and above all trash talk. But not this. Either it was his strong scent that was making her dizzy or the over powering smell of thick coffee wafting threw the kitchen that was making her want to do something foolish. Either way when his thumb brushed her lips Revy lost it, foolish as it was she grabbing his black cotton shirt crashing his lips to hers.

A hungry like that of a wild cat ran threw her blood, he was powerful that anyone even a human could tell. But the light touches he put on her was what made her think he’d been tender, something she so wanted to find out first hand. Lips moved instinctively over his, but instead of pulling away from her Nick grabbing her hips picking her up and bringing her to him.

Afraid he’d drop her Revy’s arms swung around his neck, broad shoulder flexed when her fingers grabbing the cloth. He growled lowly sending a vibration down to her thighs, thighs that were now being handled in a very intimate way. When the slip of his finger wrapped around her black lace Revy gasped, the tearing of thin fabric came loud and clear when he removed the small gap between them.

Was it bad enough the man had her ass sitting in the palms of his hands while he squeezed her. Like a light bulb everything shone brightly, like a phoenix rising from ashes Revy began to recall everything. Alpha…Nick…Alpha Nick…the Alpha who was always trying to save her. The man was around when she was mates to Alpha Grey, he ran three of the largest packs around.

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