Half Breed 4

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Deep breaths as her feet lightly tapped the tiles making a rhythmic beat, a sharp left brought Revy to a large double doors. Shifting the bag Revy moved a little more briskly pushing one door open, smells of high priced clothes and cologne wafted up her nose. Four men sat at the long black table deep red velvet chairs reminded her of blood that had soaked threw a white carpet.

Already tight fingers tightened to the point of painful as pure blood eyes shone on her lesser self, had she been a vampire and their gazes the sun Revy would of burst into flames. Holding down the urge to gulp Revy stepped threw the thresh hearing that screaming lock as the door click, when it brought the feeling of being trapped with male lions one of those lions let a throaty growl loose. Breath.

They watched her every step as she walked past two with their backs to her, the other two flashed brightly golden eyes in warning. Gods she really hated males sometimes. Taking up a back corner Revy set the bag on a small table she kept her back only slightly turned to the males, it gave her an advantage of keeping her items private while insuring they didn’t sneak up on her. Both door burst open and a smell so intoxicating hit her hard, Revy’s body stiffened at the throaty growl that permeated her way. Oh sweet baby turtles, not now.

This time the gulp slipped as Revy’s eyes slowly slid across the dark blue carpet to the pair of black work boots, blue jeans covered well built legs coming to a black cotton shirt. Her eyes flickered over a broad chest before rising to meet the steel gray eyes of her first mate, he looked anything but pleased to see her. Maybe a vacation was what she should of taken instead of this gig. Grey broke contact first, however Revy knew damn well it wasn’t for lack of power, he simply didn’t want to look at her anymore.

It stung but not enough to make her cry like some sniveling bitch, turning back around she cleared her head. As far as she was concerned he was just another male, and she was just a half breed working to live. Pulling out two pistols Revy yanked the holster from within the bag strapping it around both shoulders before pushing the guns inside, the burning sensation on her back was driving her crazy. Why couldn’t he look at something else? Like a plant…or something.

Turning around Revy caught the quickly fleet of his eyes when they landed on another Alpha, yea…..cause that wasn’t obvious. Instead of pining over him Revy looked out the long line of windows running her plan over again, this needed to go smoothly or all hell would become her. The door opened again as an elderly man walked in, his eyes scanned the room before landing on her. He sniffed eyes flashing a brilliant gold-elder- slow cane moving steps inches towards her. He stopped a foot or so, eyeing her up and down.

“You my dear are not….what I was expecting.” He chuckled coughing a little at the end. Revy gave him her best smile and bowed a little in respect, the man had been alive since probably the dawn of time. Wolves age slower and build muscle faster, they can look 12yr and be 45yr. Suck it botox.

    “Yes Sir” His brows went up looking like fuzzy grey caterpillars, wrinkles creased over his forehead making him look grandfather-ish.

    “Polite as well….how interesting” Revy didn’t have anything to say to that, so she just smiled. It seemed to blow his mind more.
    “Well then shall we get going?” The elder looked around the room at the five Alpha’s who all stood up simultaneously. Two Alpha’s in front as Revy stood behind the elder with the rest behind her, a caged rat had less fright then her right now. One swipe and her neck would be broken.

Fitting into an elevator was interesting as the Alpha’s tried their best not to touch her, Revy rolled her eyes as the steel door closed locking her in with a group of heavily built males. Her ex mate was in front standing straighter then a stripper pole, his eyes never leaving the door. Turning her head some she smirked at the flash of a reflection from the steel door, even if he didn’t turn around to see her he still could.

Chime after chime before finally the doors retracted once more, both front Alpha’s looked out making sure the coast was clear before stepping out. Clenching her fist to keep her fingers at the ready Revy followed behind the Elder, he was headed to a very important meeting and it was her job to see that he left this building without a scratch. Her nerves were jumping about like frogs, a click from the elevator almost made her jump.

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