Half Breed 2

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It would seem his mouth got the better of him, and the cockiness he was about to spill over her was not going to lead to a second meeting.

    “Princess” Justin smirked, just pour the gasoline on the fire why don’t yea.  Fingers twitched as he watched her demeanor swirl around across a flawless face, everything from anger to amusement flashed. She made a face which resembled a half laugh with a glare, lifting her chin so the whites of eyes tried to look down on him. For the most part it worked seeing as how she was a little shorter, but it was the way she did it that made his mouth run dry.

    “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call me that, I’m not fond of nicknames” Bringing her voice to low tone that sent a wave of shivers, deadly venom was biting back behind each word of politeness. Might as well keep going with the can of gasoline, seeing as how it fires her up even more.

    “Nah…I think it suits you. I like Princess as you new name” Oh if that didn’t send a wave of power crashing into his face, a smooth jaw line tightened while emeralds blazed hotter then the sun.

“I’m warning you Alpha, quit your shit. I wont be messed with, your title’s nothing to me.” A finger snapped pointing at his chest, bringing her feet to a slightly wider stance. Was she thinking of attacking him?

    “Or you’ll what? Listen hear Princess, your not the least bit scary to me. If anything your little fire is sexy” Once the last word left his mouth he almost regretted it, almost. A snarl with white fangs showing caught the suns rays flashing like blinding snow, swiping her tongue across the bottom row before darting back in.

Movements that were almost silent carried her the shirt distance to his face, standing within arms reach the little rogue pushed up on her boots making her eye level with him. They sparkled holding his own, heat from her chest slide around his. Not daring to lower his gaze from hers, it proved to be somewhat difficult as her chest was mere inches from brushing up against his. When the fast movements of a hand snatched his shirt pulling him the rest of the way to her face Justin gulped without movement, damn she was feisty.

    “Your barking up the wrong pair of jeans Alpha, I’m not your toy to play with. I’ll bite back…hard. So you better watch it, I take no shit from anyone or anything. You keep messin with me and I’ll show you just how nasty I can become.” Her breath smelled like peppermint patties with a hint of…..coffee?

Carefully taking her wrist in his hand removing it from his shirt, Justin slide the pad of his thumb over her skin. Her wrist was dainty holding a softness like no other, surprisingly she didn’t tare his arm off for touching her.

    “Your bite is nothing compared to mine Princess, and I’ll gladly show you what I mean” Justin smirked as her eyes widened for a split second.
    “And you shouldn’t threaten girly, I don’t take kindly to threats against my pack or family” Feeling his blood pressure rise at the mere thought of someone threatening his family sent Justin into a rage, he’d worked his ass off to ensure the safety of his mother and pack. If anyone- and he did mean anyone- threatened to break, destroy or so much as scratch his world- they’d pay with their blood.

She yanked her hand away from his hold, clenching fists and a shock wave of power was the first course.

    “You even think about biting me and I’ll punch you in the throat. Your not my Alpha, I don’t take orders from you. So your not taking kindly to my threats are void, I’ll do whatever I fucking please.” With that she spun around for the second time heading back to the shiny black sports car, but it was positively to much for him to take. She’d just openly admitted to threatening his family, it was something he couldn’t over look.

“You come anywhere near my mother or pack, and I’ll personally kill you myself.” His hand shot out pointing a deadly finger at you, pushing Alpha power around like he’d just walked into a battle field. Ready to leave it at that Justin started to head back towards the house, but the sound of a snarl stopped him. Checking over his shoulder to see the fiery little Rogue shaking in rage, he braced himself for her attack- however it wasn’t nearly close to what he was expecting for.

    “You son of a bitch….” Justin’s brain paused, still trying to figure out why he wasn’t blocking punches or something to that nature.
    “HOW DARE YOU! I don’t start shit unless someone else starts with me first. I don’t attack family members or packs for the fucking fun of it, I’m not some bitch who goes crying to someone else. If I have a problem with someone I face them….” Her breathing was rapid, eyes begging to shift darker.
    “I protect the ones I love, I’m protective and above all else Loyal. You’ll do good to remember that…Alpha” She growled out his title like it was nothing, when she turned away his foot jumped forward. Tingles of heat flew up his legs entering his chest, feeling more like a hot flash then anything else Justin rumbled in his chest. Mine!

She was bloody perfect, even if she was only half wolf. Hot tempered, sexy and protective where qualities hard to find in a she wolf these days. If he said he didn’t want her, he’d be lying to himself. He wanted her more then the setting sun, who wouldn’t want a woman who wasn’t afraid to hold her own.

    “What’s your name” If he didn’t get it he’d kick his ass for weeks, the driver side door open as she stood between getting in and looking at him.

    “Its Revy, Alpha” The door closed leaving him to stair aimlessly at the car, her shadow bounced around off the windshield. Revy…..even her fucking name was different. His wolf growled as the mustang pull off pack property, disappearing behind a row of evergreens.

~Why are you letting her leave?~ the beast had a good point.
~Cause….I don’t have a fucking clue what to do.~ Not far off from the truth.
~What the hell does that mean?~ Justin could hear the snaky attitude his wolf was giving, but choose to ignore it.
~She’s different, this is going to take time.~ His work boot turned him back around while hands pushed into front pockets, damn she is something else.

Pulling the screen door open before stepping inside the house Justin sighed, the likelihood of coming face to face with Revy again was slim.


Reflections of a black blur flew past shop windows as Revy pulled the high powered V8 into a Starbucks, after her little spat with an Alpha she was brewing. Ordering her large coffee fingers rasped against the counter where you pick up, deep browns and greens fashioned the little coffee shop. When the woman called her name and order Revy nearly squealed in excitement, she’d come a long way from drinking gas station sludge.

Fingers wrapped around the disposable container while she carefully bought lips to surface, everything she loved rode on that first sip. The window seat she picked over looked her car along with a few shops and restaurants, driving a sports car was not something she imaged would come into play. However it sure did beat walking everywhere. Another sip and Revy was starting to feel the numbing effects of the caffeine, playing a part in her moods all while tasting of heaven.

Taking mere seconds for her brain to bring up the past Revy sighed taking a longer sip, was she ever going to find a home to call her very own. Or a family that wasn’t going to just walk out, question she had needed answers- something she didn’t have many of.

Soft pitter padders of rain drops began to fall from the graying sky, their droplet clung to the glass windows only to slither down aimlessly. Leaning an elbow on the windowsill Revy watched with a pointless glaze, only to release another drawn out sigh. After her encounter with the Female Alpha she invested a lot of that money, doing her best to get out of the state she was in. When she met her first mate it was a blissful afternoon in Canada, he was the Alpha to a large pack that was still growing.

They had so many things in common that Revy never even saw the freight train barreling at her face, when he broke it off with her Revy fled. Everything about what she’d learned from Alpha’s told her to run, scared he’d kill her for the sake of removing her from his sight Revy vanished. A bittersweet start to a bittersweet finish, not long after a new Alpha came around. Larger and in charge of over three packs Revy fell hard, she suspected it was her wolf rebounding in someway. But Rem never talked about it, and Revy never asked.

Unlike her first mate this one was affectionate while still being able to do damage, though being loved on almost all throughout the day was wonderful Revy wasn’t use to it. When you have a mate who is practically repelled by the mere thought of touching you to having one who can’t seem to get his hands off, you start to get more then a little confused about the whole mate thing. Revy frowned squeeze the cup a little hard before gulping a sip, damn her feelings for people who didn’t give to shits about her.

Being a half breed wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, seeing as her non- wolf half had powers that would triumphant a kings. Now single and alone Revy was working at her own pace, she’d managed to get the second mate to at least help her. Though it didn’t take much considering he was in love with her deeply, Revy had actually only asked for the car and not a penny more. But he was stubborn and refused to take her no’s to heart.

By the time he was done making phone calls and filling paperwork, Revy had a brand new mustang and a contract with one of the largest recon industries around. It was Revy’s job to maintain a balance and order around the courts and high ranking men and women, because of the skills she’d acquired her second ex mate had expressed this was a perfect job for her. He had been the only real outsider she’d shown what she truly was, and even then she’d not shown him everything due to his title.

It was all very surreal to her to think about having a job and real food, the rapid changes in her life had created some very interesting relationships. Among the many friends Revy had picked up or somehow ran into there was Alice, a black haired killer who could hit a target from over a mile away. Her skills in being an assassin were rivaled by many, so much so she’d gotten a job offer to protect some big wig upstate.

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