Half Breed 5

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Bright lights with the buzzing of blaring music pumped out from the side doors of the club, her black lace heels matched her pencil skirt as Revy pulled the shiny black leather jacket off the passenger seat. Hair down with a few ringlets bounced as she flung them out from under the jacket, checking her low V cut hunter green top before walking inside.

The sounds and smells only intensified when she took a deep breath, scanning around Revy smirked at the small silhouette chilling at the bar. Dark hair and a sun kissed tan was popping threw a blue mini dress as she sipped a glass of red wine, muscled legs held onto a pair of high priced fashion shoes that Revy didn’t even want to know tag amount. Tina….once Revy’s guardian but still a close friend.

Dropping in a stool next to her Tina’s head lifted flashing bright brown eyes with gold flex, she seemed to take in Revy’s appearance before a snort smile graced ruby lips. Dropping a coaster down the bartender took Revy’s order before walking away, sipping her wine Tina raised a brow before talking.

    “Where you been?” Her tone a little sharp but more out of worry, common for Tina since she’d guarded Revy for so long. When that day came where Revy had to leave Tina had been out, a mission from her Alpha to be executed that day.

    “I’ve been around love” Revy replied as her drink was set down on the coaster, giving large amounts of details was never Revy’s thing. She kept to herself always making sure to never indulge in the idea of letting people get to close, closeness meant they had an inside view to your pain and torment. She’d never indulge in the idea of another that close, at least not until she’d met him.

Deep lines formed a frown as Tina sipped the rest of her wine, hair was pulled back making it moved when she turned. A suspicious look formed between two thin brows as Tina watched Revy while the bartender went to refilling her drink, keeping her face masked Revy sipped her toxic hoping it didn’t give her away.

“Revy…you been M.I.A  for a while, where the hell did you go?” Her tone was sharp, as if that weren’t bad enough Revy was getting the gleam off her eyes. Rolling her eyes Revy slid a pad of a finger over the glasses rim before answering, it was never easy talking about the what’s and how’s of her life. But Tina always wanted to know.

“Had a job that needed…special attention.” She sipped the drink aimlessly, awaiting the kick from alcohol to numb her system. Being a wolf meant a higher tolerance for things like, pain, stupidity and intoxication. In the long run it wasn’t so bad, but it made for an expansive night out if you were planning on getting shit housed.

    “Your still the worst liar I’ve ever met” Tina snickered sipping the blood red wine, her eyes sparkled from the flickering strobe lights. Revy couldn’t help the bubble of a laugh, Tina was right on the money about her lie. But it couldn’t be helped. She didn’t want a dear friend worrying about her hide, it was just a natural defense for Revy to lie about her encounters with danger.

    “How yea been grill?” The nickname was a mistake when Revy had gotten so drunk she’d slipped up from calling her Girl to Grill, it stuck like super glue. Tina smirked lowering the crystal glass, her lips stained a little more with the intoxicating berry juice.

    “Not bad Toaster” Revy laughed, she should of known Tina wouldn’t forget that nickname. Every morning Revy had spent in Tina’s house -when she’d been homeless- she’d sung the Toast song while making her coffee. Tina had woken up one morning and watched her shake her ass and sing like some broken canary. It had been the second most embracing thing Revy had lived threw, the first being when her first mate had caught her doing the same thing in her underwear.

Their end result was a little more….interesting then the one with Tina. Revy shook her head a little tossing the hot burning images out of her skull, no time to think about him. The cold glass pressed back to her lightly glossily lips, allowing them to part offered the liquid a chance to slip down her throat.

A very powerful song slid over the speakers making Revy sigh happily, pushing her empty glass Revy gave Tina a bright smile heading to the dance floor. Short and bubbly was the laugh she received as her friend turned looking over a slim shoulder, she wasn’t the only pair of eyes watching.

Ignoring the feeling of being prey, Revy’s foot touched the smoother surface of a dance floor. It was slow with a up beat rhythm, but it was the words she really loved. Eyes closed sending Revy into a slow bliss of peace, dancing was one of her many joys and she rarely allowed herself to bask. Slender fingers pushed into her let down locks of deep browns, hips swayed to each hit of the base.

To her soul she was free at this very moment, and what a freeing feeling it was dancing in a room full of predators. Feeling like a goddess on showcase, slowly Revy’s feet moved her across the floor not caring who watched.

Tina smiled watching her friend enjoy herself, even if it was only for a few minutes. She’d known Revy for a while now and the woman was a head case, not that it was a bad thing. But Revy didn’t spoil herself like other she-wolfs, if anything she did the exact opposite. It was truly amazing how one woman could stop a whole room from whatever they were doing- just to watch her dance- Revy could never understand why men stared when she passed them on by.

Had she not been completely truthful about the matter Tina would of laughed, but the rogue was serious….she didn’t get it.

She sipped her wine, watching the beauty of a deadly woman sway hips from side to side. Beasts alike watched with glowing eyes, the more secluded Vampires even kept one eye on her as Revy twirled around the dance floor. Bright colored neon’s bounced off her tan skin, even in black combat boots Revy was a sight of mystery to behold.

Rocking shoulders as the long legs took her gliding across a woodened flooring, she floated making it look so damn easy. Remembering that Revy had stressed being a dancer at one point Tina sipped the last bit of her wine, it was a way for her to bring in a little extra income. To give Revy a pity look was foolish, she never excepted it.

When her song ended the rogue had lightly flushed cheeks and a smile on her face that satin himself could remove, Tina smiled loving the sight of her friend in a state very rare for befalling eyes. A few men approached her but a slight shake of her head had them eating her wake, again unlike other She-wolves Revy was not one for jumping at every male that graced her vision.

Reserved to the point of almost scary Revy had gotten the chance to mate with a few males, to which all were powerful, brawn Alpha’s. It was indescribable how even one she-wolf could get an Alpha never mind having over three. But that was Revy.

Three Alpha’s. Tina smirked at the thought, and Revy thought she wasn’t something to be desired. Once being the rogue’s personal guardian had given her a rare glimpse into Revy’s world, filled with some much protection and concern it leaked out of her very pours. When they were living a pack life Revy was their for all her pack members, being Luna is was required of her to over see everything when the Alpha was away.

Revy handled the house and alliances to which she didn’t need to, but felt that her mate- the more then interesting Alpha Grey- was more then stressed out over the on coming paperwork he was bound to receive. Again she felt the need to save yet another person face when one of their pups was attacked, it just so happened Grey had finally come home- and into a whirlwind of drama.

He was more then livid about the whole episode of two packs discussing the mess that had occurred, Revy was already stressed out with finding who caused one of their pups so much pain. That when the hospital room cleared out of the Golden pack Tina got to hear the light snarl from her Luna. Alpha Mina and Alpha Blake ran the Gold pack and were close to Alpha Grey’s pack, so being that they were also the closet pack from where the pup was attacked Revy took her there.

Grey had been slowly building his pack house, but the hospital was still a work in progress. Back at their own pack house Tina sat in the living room as she could hear the light snarls of her Luna and Alpha, she snickered when the words of Revy telling him to shutty his face came leaking threw the trim.

Leave it to a woman half the size of a full grown pure blood to bark in his face, and not just bark but win. Revy wasn’t some little petite female that allowed males to squash her like a bug, on the contrary she was fierce and untamed. Only a little bigger then Tina’s smaller frame Revy could somehow make herself look bigger, meaner, and above all powerful. Needless to say the pack hospital was now on the top priority of rooms to be completed.

    “Feel any better?” She asked watching Revy take up the same stool, the bartender slide her another drink.
    “Somewhat…needed to take my mind off things” Tina raised a brow.

    “Oh? What of?” Handing her wine glass to be refilled.
    “Grey is apparently still taking me to the dance” Tina was so pleased she hadn’t been sipping her wine, or her dear friend would have been covered in it.

    “Are you kidding me?” Revy shook her locks, tossing them to and fro.
    “Nope” She popped the P, taking a well needed sip of her slightly orange spirit.

Tina stared. What else was she suppose to do, Grey had made it kind of clear he didn’t want anything to do with Revy. But now…this. Well this was just baffling.

v.v I no....I'm so very sorry about the late update. Working on Innocent Midnight as well....PLEASE VOTE :3 love when you do

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