Half Breed 7

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Every night it was the same thing, her dreams relived her life. Without even a sliver of remorse for her broken heart Revy got to partake her world.

A picture perfect retelling of ones life story. Mate less for so long only to be asked by an Alpha. And not just any Alpha, Alpha Grey-  both witty and charming….when he wanted to be. More into having a good time then really putting his foot down. Revy had taken on the roll of mothering the whole pack. It wasn’t that hard as Grey’s sister Redd was the Beta, and she was over looking everything till Revy came along.

But once Revy came into the pack, Redd went back to taking care of Beta only material. To be honest Revy hadn’t a clue why she ever left the pack house, it was foolish to think she could handle it out with a new….challenge set in her mists. But one minute her and Grey were talking about rooming together, then she was leaving for the door.

She promised herself she wasn’t going to cry, beg or whine. She’d keep her head up and look like it was nothing she couldn’t handle, but really Revy’s inside were turning about making her feel sicker then being injected with some new toxin. They had gotten so close that even silly nicknames were given, but none of that mattered now. To him she was just another useless rogue on his territory.

Getting off his territory wasn’t the hard part, it was the damn mark on her neck she was more concerned about. Her friend took her in and tried to fix the problem, weeks had past and Grey had not come for her. Not tracked her down or even bothered to ask if she was alright, nothing….just nothing. Revy’s heart burned every night with enough pain to kill a blue whale.

During the last few weeks of living in the old pack house a new Alpha had come around, he was larger and a few years older then Alpha Grey. But for some reason he’d taken a liking to Revy, so much so that when she was washed away of Grey’s memories he found her at an under ground slave trade. It would seem her so called friend made a few extra bucks on the side, while disposing of Grey’s little problem.

Cuffs around her neck and wrists held onto a thick silver chain, bolted to the floor while Revy stood silently being stared at. She hadn’t the energy to even lift her eyes to see who was gawking, the want need and all out vile looks these males where tossing at her made Revy’s stomach do back flips. Best to just not look. Their smells of pure bloods and over powering cologne stung her nose, while the pungent stink of cigars wafted through out the room.

Wearing nothing more then the under garments she had been wearing under her jeans and T, Revy waited as the fast bidder rang out numbers. He tried to make her sound even better then she really was, but Revy didn’t care. It was all a stupid game.

When the gauntlet smacked the wooden square twice she flinched, that sound was worse then a gun shot. Her chain was tugged roughly causing her to spin around, keeping up with the tall man who smelled more like a Vampire then anything else Revy kept her eyes down. A gesture she was not accustom to doing, always so sure of herself, braze to the point of reckless and yet still softer then most.

She could feel those little buggers pricking the back of her eyes, but the wolf in her cursed her out for even thinking of letting them lose. Revy had slowed in her footsteps causing the chain to snap violently, before she could even protest the earth shattering snarl from an Alpha sent a shiver down her spine.

    “Yank on my woman again, an I shall remove your head” His voice was so familiar it made her want to curl into a tight ball. There was muffled voices and a few growls before cold hands touched her body letting the cuffs and chain come off, the over sized jacket placed on her shoulders was warm and inviting. The large hand that brought an even larger arm around her waist was a new feeling, once you’ve spent time in a damp cold cell you understand the meaning of warm and inviting.

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