Chapter 12 | Why Are You Touching Each Other?

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Chapter 12 | Why Are You Touching Each Other? 

“Close your eyes and pretend it’s all a bad dream. That’s how I get by.” ― Jack Sparrow

On Christmas morning, I wake up to the sound of my stupid iPhone ringing loudly in my ear. I’m tempted to just ignore it because I’m about 99% sure that it’s no one or nothing important. Then again though, it might be, so I roll over in my bed and fish it from underneath my pillow, about to answer it. Before I can though, it stops ringing, meaning I’ve missed the call. I put it down because I’m sure if it were really that important, they’d just call back or leave a voicemail or something.

I roll back over in my bed, in the hopes of getting at least a few more hours of sleep before I actually get up. Usually, I’m up at the crack of dawn on Christmas, but not this year because I’m just so incredibly tired. Last night, I went to the movies and then bowling with Graham, Aspen and Beckett. Originally, it was going to be just Aspen, Graham and me but then Beckett found out we were going and forced us to let him come with us. I’m not quite sure if he wanted to go just to be super overbearing and overprotective, as usual, or if he just wanted to spend time with Aspen, but I’m assuming it was the former. Maybe not though, but I think that he actually likes Aspen. Anyway though, we didn’t leave the bowling alley until like, 2 in the morning (I have no idea why it stays open so late) so that’s why I’m tired.

Despite the fact that I’m super tired though, I’m really excited about it being Christmas today. I didn’t ask for anything in particular and my mother isn’t here for the fourth Christmas in a row, but still, I’m excited. For the past three years, she’s had to work Christmases and this year isn’t any different at all. Though instead of being at the office of her work, my mom isn’t even in the country. She’s in Australia on business and has been for about a week now but she said that she’d be back before the New Year. She invited Beckett and me to come down to Australia with her, so the three of us wouldn’t be apart but we rejected that offer, obviously.

After lying there in my bed for about ten minutes, I realize that sleep isn’t going to come back to me anytime soon, so I decide to just get up. I get out of my bed and then leave my bedroom, going to the bathroom. In the bathroom, I brush my teeth and wash my face, pulling my hair into a messy bun before walking out.

I make my way down the hallway, heading towards the guest room, which is where Aspen is sleeping. As I’m walking, I hear Beckett and Brett downstairs in the living room, screaming profanities back and forth at each other. I’m not surprised though because they’re stupid and that’s just what they do when they’re playing video games together, which is basically all the time. I have no clue why Brett is even here on Christmas but I wish he’d just go away because I just don’t like him.

When I get to the guest room, I raise my hand to turn the knob and go in but stop when I hear Aspen talking and she doesn’t sound very happy. “She’s miserable!”

“And you think that I’m not miserable?” Another voice exclaims then. I place it as Jason’s and it sounds like it’s coming from like, a phone on speaker or something.

“No, I actually don’t think that you are,” Aspen snaps then. “And if you are, just stop it because you have no reason to be angry—you’re the one who ended things!”

“Aspen, do we really have to do this on Christmas?” Jason asks her with a sigh. I can barely hear his voice because it’s really muffled but I think that’s what I hear.

“Yeah, Jason, we really have to do this on Christmas,” Aspen replies, mocking his voice.

“Look,” Jason sighs again. “I’m sorry that I hurt Piper, okay? That really wasn’t my intent—”

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