Chapter 07 | Only Weirdos Like Mushroom Pizza

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Chapter 07 | Only Weirdos Like Mushroom Pizza

"Don’t worry. Everybody has problems. Everybody has bad times. You're not alone." Enchanted 

“So, is it like, official yet?” Aspen asks me all of a sudden in a chipper tone of voice, bursting into my bedroom and plopping down on my king-sized bed. Like I said, she (along with Piper and Sienna too) has a bad habit of just randomly showing up at my house unannounced and whatnot.

“Well, hello to you too, best friend,” I sarcastically reply with a chuckle, setting my paintbrush down and looking up from my canvas over at her.

“This is no time for small talk, Sawyer Annabelle,” She informs me with a serious look on her face as she flips her ridiculously perfect long blonde hair over her shoulder like the true drama queen that she really is. Lucky for her though, she’s a lovable drama queen.

“Oooh, my middle name,” I observe, spinning around in slow circle in my swivel chair. “This must be very serious,” I mockingly say.

“Yes, it’s very serious, actually,” Aspen confirms with a nod.

“Okay,” I chirp, knowing that whatever it is Aspen came over to talk about actually isn’t serious. I mean, nothing is ever actually serious with Aspen. Ever since Elliot died, she’s a much more carefree person, which is pretty ironic, I think but I guess I’m the only one who can see the oh-so-clear irony in it. “Well, what is it?” I query, still spinning around in the chair.

“Grawyer, that is indeed a thing now, yes?” She wonders and I come to a slow stop in the chair.

“Excuse me?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at her with a questioning look on my face. “Should I know what that is?”

“You should but since you clearly don’t, I’ll go ahead and tell you. Graham. Sawyer. Grawyer,” She simply supplies.

“I’m still confused,” I tell her, turning my attention back to my big white canvas that’s resting on the easel in my room.

“Grawyer is the couple name for you and Graham,” Aspen explicitly explains as I pick my paintbrush up and start painting again.

“Okay, two things though,” I mumble, holding up my middle and index fingers. “There’s no couple and I thought you said it was Grayer?”

“Well, I know but Grayer sounds kind of generic,” She replies. “Like, it sounds like you’re saying something isn’t grey enough,” Aspen adds.

“That’s an odd way to put it,” I laugh. “You do know that we don’t need a couple name though? Me and Graham, I mean. It’s not happening.”

“You are being so pessimistic,” Aspen tells me in a faux accusatory tone. “You guys would be so adorable together though, don’t you agree?”

“You sound like Dr. Fontana,” I mutter with an inaudible sigh as I dip my brush in the blue paint and streak it across the large canvas before me.

“What do you mean?” My best friends asks curiously with a laugh, spreading out across my bed and grabbing the remote to turn the television on.

“Well, let’s just say that Dr. Fontana is a very…hardcore…Grawyer / Grayer shipper,” I truthfully and somewhat awkwardly mumble.

“So even your psychiatrist knows you two belong together? That should really mean something to you,” Aspen laughs.

“Aspen, he’s a psychiatrist, not a psychic and I don’t even want a boyfriend now or anytime soon for that matter,” I explain.

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