s i x t e e n

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Simons POV

I sat on that cold unfamiliar floor and cried my heart out. I sobbed and sobbed until I realized there was mo point. What's the point of crying my heart out? What's the point of sitting here on this floor? That's not going to change the fact that my daughter isn't here with me.

Nothing ever will. 

I opened my weary eyes and scanned the room around me. Penny had fallen asleep with Laura leaning against her shoulder, both their faces tear-stricken.

I saw Adele had also fallen asleep curled up against the window next to the door. Bruise marks are all over her fists from pounding on the door.

As I walked over to her, her eyes tiredly flutter open and lock with mine. I look into her enervating eyes. The usual sparkle in her eyes, the sparkle that had been shining brighter than ever just a few hours earlier, had disappeared only to be replaced by clouds of anger and sadness. Tears were still trickling down her red and puffy face.

The sound of healthy newborn baby screams echo the hallways. That should have been what we heard from our baby girl. She should be in our arms, starring at her mother and father. All the rooms surrounding our room are filled with parents waiting for their little baby to come into the world. I can just imagine the look in the new parent's eyes as they look into their new little baby's eyes. 

At this moment I realize how much this burdens her. How much this affects her. She weakly sat up as I position myself beside her and lean her head against my shoulder. my hands wrap around her knowing that both of us need one another more than ever at this moment.

"Simon?" Her soft whisper breaks the depressing silence in our room.

"Yes, Adele."

I can feel her chest lift as she breaths in a deep breathe, "Why Simon? Why us? What did we do to deserve this?" Her voice begins to break. She slams her head into my chest and starts pouring out what was left of the tears she had.

"Babe, we did nothing. You did nothing, it just happens." I pull her closer to me and slowly rub her back up and down in circular motion.

She lifts her head up to protest, but as soon as she opens her mouth I slowly push her back into my embrace.

She gives in without a fight, and rest her head right back down on my chest. Her eyelids begin to flutter shut. After a while, she finally goes off into a sleep.

I gently pick her up from the ground and carry her back to the hospital bed. I stare into her beautiful face, the colour drained from it. 

She looks scared, hurt, broken, lost.

Lost in what to do, we both just lost one of the loves of our lives. We didn't even get to say her name.

Amber Rose Konecki.

We didn't get to see her do anything for the first time. We don't know if she would have looked as beautiful as her mum, as smart, and talented. We don't know if she would have taken after Adele or taken after me.

We don't know anything, and never will.

I study her more, glad that she finally got some sleep. She doesn't look peaceful or happy, but depressed and heartbroken. At least she's sleeping and is taking a break from her thoughts always flowing through her head.

The thoughts that tell her, 'you're the reason the baby died, you should have done better, and you're a horrible mum.'

Thoughts; more like lies.

The once silent room is filled with a short knock on the door followed by a nurse entering our room, carrying a baby in her arms.

"Mr Konecki, we finally got your son all cleaned up. Congratulations." She smiled placing him in my arms.

I look down seeing another one of Adele and I's handsome sons. I place the back of my hand on his forehead and outline his flawless face.

His skin is so soft and pure.

He definitely has some of Adeles features, her chin, mouth, nose.

His eyes suddenly start to squint open, getting used to the light. And just like that the joy that was once in my heart, not only filled again but overfilled.

He tried keeping his bright blue eyes open but quickly shut them once the light hit it.

"Hi, buddy," I began to whisper, "I'm your papa." A smile overtakes me.

He begins to look around but stops when his eyes meet his mother laying on the hospital bed, roughly sleeping.

His cry begins to fill the room, as soon as he saw her. I tried calming him down but he wouldn't stop.

Alarmed by the sudden cry, Adele woke up looking around trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

I speedily walked towards her before he woke Laura and Penny.

As soon as I placed him in Adele's arms the room became silent.

His eyes lock with Adeles.

"Hey darling, you're gorgeous, you must take after your father," She whispers in a high pitched 'baby' voice.

I kneel down beside the bed and put one arm around Adele.

"Hey precious, look at Mumma, you have beautiful eyes." The slightest smile creeps across his face, I watch as a single tear rolled down Adele's rosy cheeks.

"Arron Christopher Konecki." Simon smiles panting a kiss on my lips, "We did good babe, we did good."

I look down and sure enough, Adele got him to smile, this time bigger, "Oh! You like that, huh?" She chuckles kissing his cheek.

I watch as the light and joy in Adele's eyes, sparkle. A small smile covers her face as she looks down at the little boy we created together, finally snuggled In her arms.

But I wonder how long that joy and happiness overtaking Adele, will last.

I Miss You [Sequel to Sweetest Devotion]Where stories live. Discover now