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Adeles POV

I race down the hall into our room, slam the door and stare at Ashlyn and Anika both sitting on our bed.

"Up," I yell as they both stand up with their heads down knowing they are about to get in big trouble.

"What. In. The. World. Were. You. Thinking," I yell stopping in between each word.

Before they could respond I keep yelling, "Huh? Answer me? I did not raise my children to act like what I just witnessed out there." I say pointing to the door. 

Simon slowly gets up and makes his way to the bathroom slowly shutting the door behind him, 

"I have no idea what's gotten into you both, especially you Anika. You have been acting so rude lately, and you shouldn't be proud of it." Anika looks up with tears in her eyes, 

"She's part of the family. She's been through so much lately, she's your father's kid, your sister. You've been completely rude to her, and what does she do back? Nothing. Because she's a sweet kid who's going through a lot right now. You have no idea how traumatized she is and you guys acting like this isn't helping. How would you feel if someone said all that stuff to you? Huh?"

Anika slowly shrugs her shoulders, "Ashlyn?" I yell. 

She looks up and shakes her head."I don't know. I probably wouldn't care though."

I laugh angrily, "Wouldn't care. Wouldn't care. Fine, you know what. Your both grounded." She pauses, "no phones, TVs, computers, laptops nothing electric related."

"Okay," Ashlyn says shrugging, "can we go know?"

My face gets red, "To add to your punishment you have to spend your whole day in your room, writing a letter of apology to Bey."

"What!" Anika yells.

"No. No. No that's not fair at all." Ashlyn yells.

"Sorry, that's what's happening. You guys need to listen. Now go, go to your rooms and straight to bed." I walk up to our opened room door, pointing for them to leave. After they leave I slam the door behind them and fall onto the bed.

Simon walks out of the bathroom and lays down next to me, "Wow. You handled that well. And wow you're so hot when you're angry. " He chuckles resting his arm on my waist and pulls me closer to him to kiss me.

I throw Simon's arm off of me and turn my body the other way, "Simon, I'm not in the mood."

"Fine you want to be mean I'll be mean too," He says scooting as far to the edge of his side of the bed he could.

I sigh and close my tired eyes. 


Ashlyns POV

"What do you think you girls are doing out of your rooms?" Mum asks from the bottom step watching Anika and I start to run up the stairs.

"Umm.." I begin.

"We wanted to bring Bey a plate of Oreos to show her how sorry we are for being rude yesterday," Anika says pointing to the plate of Oreos in my hand.

I Miss You [Sequel to Sweetest Devotion]Where stories live. Discover now