t h r e e

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Adeles POV

The kids run to the door to greet us, hearing us enter the house, they stop dead in their tracks seeing us with Simons kid.

"Mummy who is she," Angelo asks pointing to Bey.

"This is, Bey. She's Simons old wif-, she's Simons daughter. "I say trying to put it in a way Angelo would understand.

"wait, so I have another sister?" Angelo asks.

I slowly nod unsure of how the kids would react.

Ashlyn and Anika's jaws drop and Angelo excitedly runs up to Bey and tightly hugs her.

"How come you didn't live with us before? Why didn't my mummy tell me she had another kid," Angelo curiously asks her.

Bey, turns to look at me wondering what to say, her eyes have tears once again running down her face.

"Babe, she's not my child, she's your daddy's. We just found out about her now, Peanut." I quickly answer.

"Oh okay, but how come I'm your and Daddy's kid, and she's not?" I glance at Simon not even knowing what to say without hurting Bey or Simon.

"Angelo how about you take Bey and give her a tour of the house?" Simon quickly says, Angelo nods happily taking her hand.

I share a smile with Simon, glad that Angelo is excited to have Bey with us.

I look back over to see Ashlyn and Anika still standing in the same position as before, their jaws still wide open.

"W-What's going on," Anika shakily asks, finally breaking the silence.

"It turns out that my ex-wife had Bey, a long time ago and never told me until now, so she's your half-sister," Simon slowly says.

Anika and Ashlyn share a look, "What?!" The both yell.

"H-half sister!" Ashlyn yells.

"But why can't your ex-wife, or whatever take care of her?" Anika yells.

"Sh-she's not here anymore," Simon says looking at the ground.

Both their eyes go wide and their jaws drop again.

"She's going to be staying with us a while okay," I say.

Before they had the chance to protest, Bey and Angelo entered the foyer again.

"Your house is amazing!" She says in awe.

"Your house is amazing." Anika quietly mimics in a high pitched voice.

Simon glares at Anika.

"Aw Thank you, Darling. I'll show you where your room's going to be." I quickly say guiding her upstairs hoping she didn't hear Anika.


I enter our bedroom after showing Bey her room. Simon's laying on our bed with his hands covering his face. I quickly kiss his head and walk into the bathroom, knowing he needed some space, I turn on the shower. The warm water seems to always wash away all my problems and worries about everything going on right now.

I turn the water off and change into my robe and enter our room again.

"Babe I think that Bey-" I stop myself mid-sentence realizing that Simon wasn't in the room anymore.

"Simon?" I ask again, looking around.


"Boo!" Someone yells jumping out from behind me and wrapping his arms around me and holding my hands together.

I scream and get out of the grasp and grab a pillow from the bed and start smacking the person with it.

"Relax! Relax! It's just me," Simon says, as he begins laughing his head off.

"What the heck Konecki,?" I yell.

"I couldn't help myself," He says still laughing. "Oh, and by the way nice weapon choice, Dell a pillow, so deadly."

I glare at him, "That wasn't funny Simon I was actually scared!" I say crossing my arms.

"That's the point." He says.

I stare at him but can't hold my laughter in anymore and begin to laugh as well, until I couldn't breathe and collapse onto the bed. He sits down next to me and plays with the ribbon of my robe. For a second, It felt like old times when our life wasn't so hectic and all of this wasn't happening.

"Simon?" I say after a few minutes looking up at him so that our eyes lock.

"Yes, babe?"

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too. I always have and always will, no matter what." He says placing his lips on mine.

Before I had the chance to ask him what I've been wanting to ask him all day, sleep overtakes me and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

I Miss You [Sequel to Sweetest Devotion]Where stories live. Discover now