Chapter 5...I think?

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I sat on my roof well after sunrise, lost in my thoughts.  When I finally decided to head towards my team it was probably 9am.  Oh well, Kakashi isn't there yet so oh well.  I snagged an apple off a tree and quickly ate it.  I decided to transport myself through my shadows so I didn't have to walk.

I hid in the shadow of a tree and watched my team argue about Kakashi and myself being so late.  Even Sasuke * cough duckbutt cough* didn't sense my presence and soon Kakashi appeared and offered a lame excuse.

"Huh?  Where's Okami?  Didn't I tell you all to be here at 5am?"  They nodded and Kakashi looked around, obviously trying to see if I was hiding.  I stepped from the shadows and surprised them all.

"Ahhhh!  Okami-san, did you just walk out of a tree?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"  Naruto's rather loud voice interupted the shocked silence.  I sighed in slight annoyance.

"No, Naruto, I did not step out of a tree.  I simply stepped away from its shadow.  Not my fault you never saw me."

Kakashi interrupted, though he seemed to still be thinking about my sudden appearance, and started telling us about what we had to do.  Obviously, I zoned out once again and only caught the jist of what we needed to do.

Blah blah blah get bell blah blah blah intent to kill blah.

Yeah thats about it.

As soon as Kakashi said start, I molded back into the shadows and transported my self deeper into the forest.  I sat down and bagan to meditate as I sent three shadow clones to see if my teammates will realize the object of this test and team up with me.

Unfortunately, they didn't so I simply sat and waited for Kakashi to find me.  I didn't have to wait long before I felt his presence and opened my eyes.  Time to look like a semi-skilled genin.

I remained calm and took out a kunai and slid into a taijutsu stance.  I made a sloppy move and advanced on him.  Kakashi never put his book away as he blocked every single one of my attacks.  Good, he hasn't realized my strength.  Lets keep it that way.  But I will show him just how good at strategy I am.

I slowly began back him in the direction I wanted him.  He never even realized that I was herding him.  As soon as he was close enough, Yin launched herself from the shadows.  Kakashi was caught off guard and I quickly grabbed a bell before he recovered.

I smiled at Yin and went to pet her.

"Good girl, Yin!  How about you and Yang go hunt for a bit?  I will call you when I need you."

Yin nodded and left to find Yang and hunt.  I turned towards Kakashi and jinggled my bell at him and waved bye and then disappeared.

I appeared at the meeting spot right as the alarm rang.  Naruto was tied to a stump for trying to eat early.  I shook my head at him and sat on top of the stump next to him.

"Well it seems you all don't need to go back to the academy."  Kakashi said.

My team seemed hopeful, if not slightly confused.

Kakashi nodded."Yep you should be dropped from the program all together.  Did none of you get the point of this exercise?"

I raised my hand and he nodded at me.

"Teamwork.  Before I fought you, I sent clones to Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to see if they wanted to form a team and they all declined."

Kakashi nodded again. "At least one of you gets it.  All of you should fail."  I cleared my throat and tossed the bell at him.  "Well all of you except Okami."

My team stared at the bell in awe stuttering about how I did it.

I simply replied, "Strategy."

Kakashi coughed and muttered, "And a big ass wolf."

I glared at him before he continued, "Anyways, I will give you guys one more chance.  Here are your lunches, you can try again after you eat, but don't feed Naruto.  That's his punishment for trying to eat early."

Kakashi disappeared and I jumped down from my stump.  I immediately started to stuff Naruto's mouth full of rice balls.  He tried to protest but soon gave up.

"What are you doing Okami!?!?!  Sensei said not to feed him!"  Sakura whined.

Sasuke humphed and started to feed Naruto as well.  "If he's hungry he won't be much help now will he?"

Sakura seemed to debate for a moment before feeding Naruto herself mumbling something about being on a diet.

Clouds suddenly gathered in the sky and Kakashi appeared.  He did some kind of speech but I don't remember since I once again zoned out.

"Team 7 will start its missions tomorrow!"

Mother of Demons ~Naruto Fan-Fiction~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora