Chapter 4

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I arrived late to class today.  I walked in just in time to see Naruto and Sasuke.... kissing?  Ok didn't think they liked each other that way but ok.  I won't question it.  I zoned out for a while until Iruka came in and started assigning teams.

"...Team 7 will be Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki..."  Sakura slamed her head on the desk saying something about how she was doomed while Naruto was jumping for joy. "... and Sasuke Uchiha."  Now it was Naruto saying he was doomed and Sakura jumping for joy.  Thoses two confuse me a times.  Pick an emotion and stick with it jeez. 

Iruka went on with the other teams but I noticed something.  "Um, Iruka.  You never called out my name."  He looked over his list in confusion.  "Alright class I'll be right back.  I'll go ask Hokage-sama."

Iruka left to go see Saurtobi, the Hokage.  I refuse to address people with titles.  One, I don't like formalities and two, he's below my rank.  Sasuke and Naruto were arguing about something, I wasn't really paying attention. 

Iruka soon came back and told me I was on Team 7.  I nodded and settled in for the wait for our "sensei".  We waited for hours and Naruto was getting impatient.  I watched as he grabbed an eraser and lodged in the crack of the door.  He was giggling excitedly to himself.

"That should teach him for being late."  Naruto looked at the door proudly while Sakura started telling him off.  I simply zoned out again.  I seem to be doing that alot lately.

"My Lady.  The Jonin is here.  You should really pay more attention." Ryuu suddenly spoke in my mind.  I simply chuckled at him through our connection and zoned back in the conversation to here the Jonin say something about following him to the roof.

We got up and followed him.  Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura sat on the floor while the Jonin sat on the rail. 

I simply leaned against the wall in the shadows.  "Alright, lets get to know each other shall we?  Tell me about yourselves."  My team looked confused and Sakura said, "Well, what should we tell you?"

The Jonin looked at her and replied, "You know, your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams for the future."  Sakura still looked hesitant and demanded the Jonin go first with Naruto agreeing.

The Jonin sighed, "Well my name is Kakashi Hatake, I don't feel like telling you my likes and dislikes.  My hobbies... well I have lots of them and my dream... I never really thought about it."

My team sweatdropped.  I just stared at Kakashi.  So the Copy-Cat Ninja is the leader of this team.  This should be interesting.  Kakashi motioned for Naruto to go first.  He rambled on about his love for ramen, Sakura was next and revealed her stalker nature, and Sasuke... well he was hell bent on revenge.  Obviously Kakashi didn't see me as he went on telling us about our survival trial tomorrow.  After he was done Naruto suddenly piped up, "Sensei, why didn't you finish introductions before you told us that?"

Kakashi looked confused.  Sakura spoke up as well, "Yeah, you never asked for Okami to introduce herself."  Kakashi looked like he was about to ask who that was when I suddenly stepped from the shadows.  He looked surprised that he didnt see me.

"My name is Okami Akuma.  That is all you need to know about me."  With that said I jumped the railing and went home, knowing I wouldnt be at the training grounds at the time he told us.

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