Chapter 10

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 "Should we go after him?" Jake questioned anxiously.

"No, let him be. When he's in this kind of mood he's best left to think things through. There's nothing you or I can say, or do. He's probably gone down to his bolt-hole, that's where he does all his thinking these days." Then attempting to lift the atmosphere she said, "Another coffee?" grabbing his mug in the process.

"Okay. Though I could do with making use of your facilities."

"Its down the hall, second door on the left."

 Ten minutes later Jake emerged from the bathroom to the sound of Anya's voice coming from a room at the end of the hall. The door was ajar, and he could see Anya pacing up and down, holding a mobile to her ear. Suspicious, he decided to hide behind the door, listening. "I know, just don't make it so obvious next time, he's getting suspicious ... I'll find some excuse. Meet me at the Coffee Cat on Anacapa at four and please, try to look inconspicuous this time!"

Jake thought better of it and swiftly made his way back down to the sitting room, grabbing a magazine and pretending to look interested in some article. Two minutes later Anya entered looking uptight. She poured two fresh mugs of coffee. "When I was in the hall just, I couldn't help, but overhear that you were planning to be downtown later, you couldn't drop me off could you?"

"Sure," she replied blushing, and then hesitatingly asked, "you didn't happen to hear anything else, did you?"

Caught you, he thought. "No, should I have done?"

She pointed at the article. "Well, it's just that you're reading the magazine upside down, and I thought you might have been somewhat distracted."

Oh, well-done Jake! "As it so happens, I was just looking at this photo from other angles. I do that sometimes," he lied.

He wanted to look away, but her eyes bore into his. She was sizing him up, and he knew it. A big part of her wanted to accuse him of lying, he was sure of it, but she didn't, because that would mean revealing her dishonesty. So their eyes stayed locked for the longest of times until she became self-conscious, and looked away.

A palpable tension filled the air.

"You won't get away with it," she said re-engaging his eyes.

"Away with what?" he feigned.

"This ... this deception."

"You're doing a pretty good job of it yourself, wouldn't you say?"

"Ah, but I'm his wife; I can get away with it. Whereas you..."

"... Are a professional. I know," he cut with a cynical smile.

"It's a pity... we could have been such good friends."

"I doubt it."

"Better the devil you know, I say."

"Well, I wouldn't call Curtis the devil. Perhaps you know something I don't," he retorted.

"Perhaps I do!" she exclaimed. 

Just at that moment, Curtis walked back in. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife, but he seemed oblivious to the pervading mood of the room.

"I didn't expect you back so soon," questioned Anya, surprised, and casting daggers at Jake.

"I didn't expect to be back so soon, but I've been thinking, what we were talking about earlier. I've not reached a decision yet, and I don't like to feel rushed in these matters, so I wondered, Jake, if you fancied staying overnight with us, rather than journeying back to LA. I feel obligated to giving you an answer one way or another before you leave."

"Oh, I'm sure he has better things to do with his time," responded Anya trying her utmost to make her comment sound nonchalant.

"I don't know what to say. Yes, I would love too," he responded immediately, eyes lingering on Anya. "If you're sure it's not disrupting any plans, I'd be delighted to stay."

"Good, okay, decided then!" Responded Curtis smiling, obviously satisfied.

"Only one thing to do," Jake added. "Best collect my car from downtown before the meter runs down, and bring it back up here. But hey, you're going downtown later yourself. I could catch a lift with you, couldn't I?" he said, turning to Anya and watching her squirm.

"Oh, meeting one of your girlfriends for a coffee I shouldn't wonder," replied Curtis.

Anya went the deepest red. She was out of her depth and flailing around.

"But if it's awkward..." Jake responded, milking it.

"No that won't be a problem, will it honey?" Piped up Curtis.

"I guess not," She replied straightening up and looking around for an excuse to leave the room.

Curtis looked from Anya to Jake, and then back to Anya again. "I didn't interrupt anything when I came back in just now, did I?"

"No, no!" They both responded in chorus. 

Jake raised a questioning eyebrow at Curtis.

"Nah ... me, and my imagination. I just thought..." Queried Curtis.

"Go on," replied Anya.

"I just thought I sensed some tension; that's all." 

Ah, that's a first, considered Anya. "No, we're okay, aren't we Jakey?"

"Everything's fine Curtis, no problems," He replied.

"I didn't know your nickname is Jakey," commented Curtis.

"I've been called worse, believe me," he lied.

"Jakey it is ... told you it was just my imagination, didn't l? Come on Jake, I mean Jakey, shall we take a walk 'round the grounds? Some of the views are spectacular." They both disappeared into the garden leaving Anya alone.

I'm petrified, she thought. Can't afford to get caught. Those two numskulls, fancy making themselves look so obvious with Curtis this morning. Wait until I get hold of them. It will cost me my marriage and a whole heap of money if I ever get caught. Not forgetting life behind bars. And what of that interfering, no good for nothing journalist, Cassidy? He's the biggest threat, got to keep him quiet. Still, he's only here for the weekend; then I'll be shot of him - good riddance is what I say. She cleared the cups up and made her way back to the kitchen. 

Curtis and Jake passed by the kitchen window deep in conversation. Curtis looked across and smiled at her. If only he knew, she thought, if only he knew.

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