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"Everything is on me today, okay?" Sehun says.

"I'll go find a table." I tell him and Kai follows me, while Sehun goes to buy ice cream.

I stop, making him stop.

"Kai um thank you." I say. "For s-saving me."

"I would have done it for anyone. It's not anything special." Kai clears his throat and sits down. I feel my heart sink.

Of course, I'm not special to you.

"Y/N!" Sehun says cheerfully, skipping towards me and Kai, handing me an ice cream cone and an ice cream cup for Kai. I smile at him.

Sehun's such a kid. In a man's body. A very nice body.

"Since when did the school cafeteria serve ice cre- Omgosh I love cookies and cream!" I say immediately trying to stuff my face with it, making Sehun laugh and Kai stare at me. Sehun always knew how to make me feel better.

"You got it on your face, silly." Sehun laughs, using his thumb to wipe the side of my mouth.

His thumb felt warm, and the feeling of closeness and connection burned between us like electricity, and for a very small moment I forget about liking Kai.

His warm gaze stares deeply into my eyes, I stay still unsure what to do. But he just stares at my face. Kai clears his throat awkwardly, and Sehun snaps out of his trance. We stare at each other for another moment before looking away.

"I-I'll be right back." I tell both of them.


What am I doing here? Why did I get so angry when Bambam tried to fuck her? I can't poss- no I don't like her. I can't like her. Ugh, why did I even text her that night. WHY DIDN'T SHE SAY ANYTHING?? Why can't I stop thinking about her?

"Hey." Y/N says, and I swallow the saliva in my throat loudly, making them look at me.


"Are you okay, Y/N?" Sehun says softly.

This rat smh. SHE LIKES ME NOT YOU IDIOT. Right..?

I watch Y/N's chocolate brown eyes turn into crescents as she smiles brightly at him, nodding her head and for a moment, I forget about my existence.

Why doesn't she smile like that to me? Doesn't she even like me? Ugh, why do I even bother. I don't care. GO AHEAD AND DATE THIS RAT. Wait are they dating?? 

I swing my arms angrily and they both stare at me, like I was ruining something romantic. 


I walk off.

I shouldn't care about Y/N.

Because I don't like her.



(10 minutes later)

Kai: Hey.

Me: Hey where'd you go??

Kai: I was busy.

Ofc. You were busy fucking other girls around school you disgusting, fat rat.

Kai: Hey um

Kai: Wanna hang out tomorrow at my house?

~ 🌻 ~



sorry for the short update but hope you liked it!

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