Training as for the First Time

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Astrid took Hiccup to train dragons.

Astrid : So, do you know how to be a friend of a dragon?
Hiccup : Well, I don't.
Astrid : Here let me show you. First you have to find a dragon. But you don't need to. Because you already have one. Toothless! (Astrid's calling Toothless)
Hiccup : Toothless?
(Toothless came quickly and started licking Hiccup.)
Hiccup : Toothless? Huh? I feel like I know you....
Astrid : You don't have to be a friend of him. He's already your friend. But you do need to know, how to fly him. But I'm not going to let you fly him, now.
Hiccup : Why?
Astrid : Because, he doesn't have half of his tail. And it'll be hard to fly him without his tail.
Hiccup : Who did this to him?
Astrid : The person who's standing in front of me.
Hiccup : The person who........ Me?
Astrid : Yup. You can't fly Toothless now, so you're going to fly my dragon, Stormfly.
Hiccup : Okay.
Astrid : So here's Stormfly. You, sit back behind me. Remember, you have to hold on tight.
Hiccup : Alright.

Hiccup sat behind Astrid on the back of Stormfly. And Astrid is giving some flying lessons to Hiccup.

Astrid : So, did you get them?
Hiccup : Yes, I have.
Astrid : So, now you're going to fly Stormfly by yourself.
(Astrid sat behind Hiccup and let him ride Stormfly.)
Hiccup : Alright, Stormfly. I'm going to fly you now. Now, up! (Stormfly started flying up.) Woh!!!!
Astrid : It's alright. I believe you! You can fly her! You can do it! (Astrid put her hands around him. And holding tightly.)
Hiccup : You're right! I can do it!

After some minutes later, Hiccup finally able to fly her perfectly.

Astrid : You really are good in flying dragons. You have learned how to fly a dragon very quickly. Now I'm going to teach you, how to fly Toothless.

Astrid told Hiccup how to fly Toothless. And now Hiccup is going to fly him.

                                                Next Chapter - Flying Toothless

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