The Plan Goes Wrong

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The dragon hunters caught Ruffnut and Tuffnut and their dragons. Snotlout is going to rescue them. And Hiccup is going to cover Astrid from the catapults.

Snotlout : There they are! (Pointing Ruffnut and Tuffnut) Let's go, Hookfang!
Ruffnut : We're under attack!
Tuffnut : Ahh...
Snotlout : The nets are attached with chains! Hookfang, blast the chains!

Meanwhile, Hiccup came to Astrid's position to cover her.

Hiccup : There are catapults all over the place!
Astrid : Too many of them!
Hiccup : Blast those ships! We have to stop them.
Astrid : Stormfly, fire at the ships!
Hiccup : Toothless, plasma blast!
Astrid : Three ships are down! Two more left.

Meanwhile, Snotlout freed Barf and Belch. And Heather and Fishlegs have taken down most of the ships. Only two ships were left.

Astrid : Yes! One down and one more to go..........Hiccup, catapults! Behind you!

But it was too late. Hiccup couldn't see that coming. One of the catapults hit Toothless's back and Hiccup fall off and he didn't bring his Dragon Fly 2 (Flight suit) with him.

Hiccup : Ahh... TOOOTTHHHLLEESS!!!
Astrid : Hiccup!!

Hiccup and Toothless was falling down so speedily. Fishlegs and Meatlug caught Toothless. But none of the riders couldn't able to catch Hiccup. Toothless tried to let go and grab Hiccup but Fishlegs didn't want Toothless to go for Hiccup because the dragon hunters were throwing poisonous arrow at Toothless. And the arrows might hit Toothless. Hiccup fall down and Hiccup's head hit the water so hard. It was so painful and he fell unconscious. After a while, Astrid took Hiccup out of the water.

Heather : She has got him. Now finish it, Windshier!

At last all of the ships were drowned. And the riders took the unconscious Hiccup in his hut, hurriedly. And waited for him to open his eyes again.

Next Chapter - What happened to Hiccup

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