It Can Be Changed

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Chapter 1: Everything and Anything

Harmony' s Point Of View

It was last Monday, I found the guy who was perfect, the guy who I thought may be the one. But he doesn't even know that I am in the same grade as him probably. He was new this year, and he was already surrounded by the populars, the jocks, and the cheerleaders. I, on the other hand do not like being with the populars, jocks, or cheerleaders. I am that girl who is a softball player, basketball player, and a track runner. I AM NOT A POPULAR PERSON. I just love these sports and that's just who I am. But the other part of me is all about music. Anything and everything. But onto my perfect dream guy. His name is Harry, he is tall, handsome, has perfect curly brown hair, has the most beautiful green eyes that could melt your insides, and probably the cutest thing about him is his dimples. He is perfect. I just wish that he could notice me.

Harry' s Point Of View

She is so beautiful. I hope that she doesn't realize that I am starring right at her. She doesn't even realize that I exist. She is perfect. Everything about her. Her shortness, beautiful qualities, she has the most beautiful voice, perfect blond hair, the most amazing blue eyes that could make anything happen to you, and the cutest dimples. She is the most perfect girl. I should ask her if she wants to hang out later. At lunch I will walk up to her table and just flat out ask her. Lunch is so far away. Lunch starts at 11:35. It is 10:40.Time to go to track, I wonder if she likes to run track? Oh and I should probably tell you that I am a vampire. I know, I know its weird but I hate being a vampire, and I have to say that I hide my secret pretty damn well. No one can know about it. It would ruin my whole entire life.

Harmony' s Point Of View

Finally time to go to track. My 3rd period is math and I hate math. But I have track to look forward to afterwards. And band. I play the flute and I don't want to brag but I' m damn good at it. I might not be 1st chair but when I was a freshman and sophomore  in high school, I was. But when you get to junior and senior years, they combine the two together so, seniors get the first chairs and juniors get the chairs in the second row, I hate being in the second row. I hate being second chair. But track is starting and we are in the cardio room and we have treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes in there and we have to get on all of them. My favorite are the ellipticals. But while I am in the cardio room I just pop in my headphones and the whole world is right. I wonder what we are gonna have for lunch? Lunch is right after track for me. I can't wait to talk to all my friends. Like Max and her boyfriend Logan. They are two of my closest friends but Max is literally my sister. I love her to death! But I love my other bestie who is Madison, she is single. Thank god I'm not the only single one!!!

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