Damian, I am your father.

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Damian was finishing up his sandwich in the kitchen that Alfred made him when he heard Bruce yell his name. "Damian!"

Damian raised a eyebrow and was slightly concerned when he heard Bruce breathing heavily.

"Father?" Damian asked putting down his sandwich and turning to see Bruce in his Batman costume. Bruce was slightly hunched over and his voice was deeper then normal.

"I am your father." Bruce said while still breathing heavily. "Yes and? I fail to see how this is news." Damian said confused.

Immediately Bruce straightened up and frowned. "He doesn't get it." Bruce said disappointedly and Dick popped up behind Batman. "WHAT!" He threw his arms up in a exasperated manner. 

"This is an outrage!" Dick shouted while Damian just looked on confused. "I have never been so disappointed in the younger generation!" Dick cried out and grabbed Bruce's arm pulling him away.

"Disappointed?" Damian echoed puzzled. "Come on Bruce, let's get Alfred, he'll laugh." Dick said and they left Damian in the kitchen with an unfinished sandwich.


Really short I know but I though to it was funny. Art does not belong to me.


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