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To those who watch supernatural do you remember that one episode when Sam dies for the first time with the yellow eyed demon's contest at that abandon town. All hell breaks loose. That's what it's called. This is going to be slightly based off that so...

Dick's POV.

I woke with a start in the center of what looked like a town. The dirt road had tiny sharp rocks that pressed into my arms and cheek. I was laying face down on the ground with a white t-shirt and black pants on.

I instantly tried to find my location but I didn't have my utility belt or wrist gauntlets. Feeling completely naked without any weapons I scanned the terrain and saw that I was surrounded by trees and trees.

I got up and decided to try and find anyone else while piecing together my memories.

"Aqualad, you will take your team west to Colorado where Klarion is creating a giant flux in the material of the space time continuum. This is a covert mission, search and report back. Avoid contact and only engage if necessary. The league would handle this but we already already have our hands full with off world business."

"Got it Batman."

"Be careful, word is that Psimon is there with him."

Small rocks stuck to my feet relentlessly as I walked unsteadily to a creaky wooden porch. Around me looked like the remains of an old western community. There was a sheriffs station, a gallows, a old bell, a well, and a tavern.

I stayed in the shade, searching for a sign that would give me an idea of where I was and next to the old bell, there was a iron plaque.

It read, 'Old Grove, South Dakota.' And above the lettering a tree stood carved into the metal beautifully.

Wait, South Dakota? I did a double take and read the words again. Sure enough it said South Dakota and I sighed in confusion. "Were you taken too?" A voice asked from behind me and I spun around to see a girl. She looked about Artemis's age with messy black locks that curled ferociously in the humidity.

"Taken?" I echoed, my voice sounding small compared to the large silence that pounded my ears.

"Yeah, taken from your family by the demon boy?" I instantly knew she was talking about Klarion.

"Yes," I lied. "But how did we get here?" I asked the girl. "The demon boy sends red portals that bring more children. Every once and a while, I get company." The girl looked down sadly but there as something off about her.

I was distracted by the sound of two thuds followed by shifting of dirt.

"Hello? Anyone there?!" A male voice called.

I raced with the girl to the spot where I first appeared and saw two boys appear out of a portal. One was about 7 or 8 the other looking around 16ish. The smaller boy was holding on to the older ones leg with a tight grip.

"Hey." I called out and both of their heads snapped to look at me. "Who are you!" The 16 year old asked raising his fists and stepping in front of his what I assumed brother protectively.

I raised my hands in surrender and stopped approaching the two. "Hey, it's okay. I'm Dick, I was sent here too." I said and the teens hands lowered. "What is this place?" The little boy asked and I kneeled down.

"This is Old Grove, South Dakota." I said and just as my mouth stopped moving another girl came tumbling threw another portal. "What?!" She cried in shock and I sighed deeply. This wasn't good.

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