I loved and I loved and I lost you. Birdflash

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Suicidal themes.

Wally sat in his bed, tear streaked face in his hands. One thought kept running through his head.

He was so close, so close...


'Robin! KF!' Aqualad called through M'gann's mind link. 'What?' They replied. 'Flank Klarion while Superboy and I keep him busy.' Aqualad commanded and the two teen heroes stalked to separate sides of the witch boy undetected. Or so they thought.

"Klarion! What are you doing here?!" Superboy shouted trying to distract the villain. "Oh, I was bored so I came to kill you off one by one. Staring with little boy blunder." Klarion cackled and Wally's eyes widened.

Without even putting on his goggles he sped to Robin as fast as he could but not fast enough. Robin, the love of Wally's life disappeared in a flare of red light through the speedster's fingertips.


Flashback over.

Wally started sobbing harder at the memory, his heart wrenching cries ripping themselves out of his throat viciously. He walked through his house alone. Uncle Barry was gone, so was Iris and the house was vacant.

Tears still falling, they pattered to the floor with his footsteps in a unsteady rhythm.

Wally stumbled to the bathroom in a dazed state and locked the door behind himself. Under the sink was a pocket knife. Wally hesitantly grabbed the blade and turned it over in his hands. The smooth metal cold to the touch.

Wally opened the knife and lightly dragged it across his wrist not drawing any blood. He was afraid. He knew that this was bad and he shouldn't do it again but the urge was too strong.

He was addicted.

Wally lifted the knife off of his pale skin before slashing it fiercely along his arm again. This time, warm blood dripped down onto the white tile, the deep red splattering everywhere.

Wally lifted the blade again and brought it down on his wrist harder this time and felt more blood spill out onto the floor with an unforgiving sting.

His tears hit the knife and mixed with the blood on the blade. Wally looked at his broken reflection in the mirror before weakly collapsing to the ground as a new wave of sobs over came him.

His shoulders shaking from the painful cries that racked his body. Through his tears he didn't hear his uncle come back and once Barry heard his nephew sobbing the older speedster zoomed upstairs and ran right into the locked bathroom door. "WALLY?!" Barry shouted worriedly his eyes wide with terror for his nephew.

He used his super speed and vibrated the lock off to find Wally in a puddle of his own blood curled up in the fetal position.

"Wally!" Barry cried and frantically checked the boy's pulse. Wally couldn't do anything but look up at his uncle with watery eyes that were filled with so much emotion and pain that Barry flinched.

"I loved him Barry. I loved and I loved and I lost him. And it hurts like hell." The protégé confessed and his mentor took towels, wrapping them around Wally's slit wrists.

"I know you love him, but I love you too and I don't want to lose you." Barry said knowing Wally was talking about Robin. "But I'm nothing without Rob." Wally said, his voice cracking. "You are. You're smart, talented, kind, funny. No one else can be you, and no one can replace you." Barry cooed hugging Wally tightly.

"I want Robin back. I want my love back. I want my heart back. I want to feel whole again." Wally begged and it broke Barry's heart to see Wally so damaged.

"I'm sorry Wally, but you'll never get Robin back." Barry said honestly and Wally burst into another fit of sobs.

"Now let me see your wrists." Barry demanded in a soft voice.

Wally shook his head.

"Wally, let me see you wrists." Barry commanded with a slightly more stern tone. In defeat, the teen gave his uncle a look at the cuts that adorned Wally's wrists.

"Wally..." Barry's voice failed him and all he could do was stare at the many cuts that showed. "How long had you been doing this?" Barry asked in disbelief tracing all of his nephew's scars, careful of the newer ones.

Barry got out bandages and wrapped the young speedster's arms. "Since he died." Wally confessed.

"You've been doing this for one month and I'm finding out now?"  Barry exclaimed in shock. Wally nodded guiltily. "Hey man, I am here for you no matter what. You know that I would die for you. So if you ever need anything I'm right here." Barry clutched the sides of Wally's face making the teen look him in the eyes.

"Let me be your light Wally. Talk to me. Because I'll listen." Barry promised and Wally stared silently at the ground for a minute before reaching forward and hugging his uncle tightly.

"Don't leave me."

"I won't."


"I promise."

Soooooo that was depressing. Mainly based off of fan art at top. I did not draw it so no credit goes to me for the drawing or the song.

Song is called hurts like hell by fleurie

[not edited.]


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