Six. Compromises & Conflicts

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I took a seat near the back of the lecture hall, not wanting to be too up close and personal with the professor in the first few rows. I pulled out a blank notebook and a pen before setting my bag down on the floor by my feet.

I watched the door as more and more people piled in to fill the large room. Being as I was so distracted people watching, I hadn't noticed someone take the seat next to me till I felt their arm brushing my own.

My eyes snapped over to my left, and my eyebrows lifted at the semi-familiar voice.

"This seat taken?" The boy asked, a smile on his face.

"Well, you already took it so I don't suppose you care much for my answer," I studied him, trying to figure out where I'd seen him before.

"How's the stain on your shirt?" He asked, a smirk on his lips. "Managed to get it out?"

"Oh," I said as it clicked. "Right, you're the one who dumped your drink on my top last night. Thanks for that by the way. I really appreciated that."

"It was a complete accident," he held out his hand. "Alex, and you're Unavailable if I remember correctly."

I nodded and shook his hand. "That's right, but most people call me Briella."

"Briella," he nodded, studying me carefully. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

"Thank you, but I was serious when I said I was unavailable," I picked up my pencil and began tapping it against my notebook. "I have a boyfriend."

"And that's completely fine," he shrugged nonchalantly and sat back in his seat. "I was just giving you a compliment."

"Well, then, I appreciate it," I smiled pleasantly, and then scanned the room as more and more people began filing in.

Alex was cute. Well, cute was an understatement. He was hot. Smoldering brown eyes, head of luscious brown hair to match, olive skin, sharp jawline, full lips, etc. If it were any other day I wouldn't hesitate to sleep with him, but this was not any other day. It was the day that I was truly and honestly going to change. I was set on being a better person, and to be that better person I would have to not get in bed with anybody who wasn't my boyfriend.

It would be difficult task, mind you, but all addicts had to start somewhere didn't they? With alcoholics it was clearing out the alcohol cabinets, with smokers it was removing all smoking reminders, and with sex addicts I supposed it was creating a firm line between you and the opposite (or the same) gender.

"So, Briella," he emphasized my name, and I picked up on the hint of accent in his tone. "Does your boyfriend go here by chance?"

"As a matter of fact he does," I studied my blank notebook intently. The less I looked at him, the better control over myself I would have.

"Lucky you," he said, and I could've sworn he was mocking me.

I chanced a glance at him and arched my eyebrows slightly. "Lucky me."

"You a freshman?" He asked, his alluring smile still present on his lips.

I swear he was doing that on purpose. Being alluring.

"Mhmm," I nodded. "You?"

"Sophomore," he replied.

"What's your major?" I asked, absolutely intending on asking anyone and everyone I spoke to in hopes of sparking an idea for myself.

"Biology. I'm gonna end up changing it though. Science isn't really my thing."

I nodded. No way could I ever be a Biology major, or any science major for that matter. I absolutely sucked at it, which begged the question why I even selected this Biology class to begin with.

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