Something There That Wasn't Before

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(Adam's P.O.V)

As I approached the door of the castle, the heavy wooden doors swung open. I could see my servants loitering in the foyer for me, each of them simple pieces  of talking furniture.

"Oh thank goodness!" Mrs. Pots breathed as I passed them. "She is alright. Praise the Lord."

I felt Belle tense up in my arm. He grip around my neck loosened, as if she was preparing herself to run away.

I brought her into the sitting room. Tall windows that covered floor to sealing her masked behind thick red velvety curtains. The room was exceedingly dark, to the point where you could not see what was in front of you. But thanks to my many, many years of darkness, I could see just fine.

"What are you doing?" Belle asked, a undertone of skepticism in her voice. I placed her down on the nearest sofa, and I heard her quietly  gasp in shock, not knowing where I was putting her. I walked across the room to burn a few wall lanterns, so that Belle would be comfortable and able to see.

I pushed my matching  love seat to sit across  from the sofa. I sat down and situated myself, daring to look Belle in her eyes as I talked to her.

Be kind. I told myself. Be gentle.

She is sensitive.

She is delicate.

Show her your charm.

Despite all the prepping I tried to do, an erupt "Why were you in my room." Was what actually came out.

She shifted away from my gaze, sort of a disappointed look stamped on her face. She tried to stand up but winced in pain as she plopped back down.

Don't stand, your hurt!

Im sorry for scaring you.

Belle! Look at me! Don't hate me, please!

"I told you it was forbidden." I grumbled. At least I wasn't yelling at her. Thats a small victory, right?

"I-" she rasped. "I want to go to bed."

"Really? After that little stunt you pulled, I thought you wanted to be eaten alive. "

"I was frightened!" She exclaimed. "You frightened me."

"You were the one in my room!" My anger was being kindled again. I was loosing my patients again. "Without permission! Touching my things!"

"I was only curious.I didn't know it was your room. And I wanted to know what that flower was!" She argued back.

"Its a rose. Don't have any where you come from? Maybe you've been to scared to ever notice before."

She huffed. "Don't you dare mock me! You were going to attack me! I saw it in your eyes. Thats why I ran. I was scared! You scare me scared!"

I grabbed at my pounding head. I could see it; me choking her again. Just one hit and she would be knocked out cold. Just one hand could squeeze the life from her throat.

I suppressed my dark thoughts with a heavy sigh. This is not who I am. It is the curse. "Its not my fault that you were scared, because you shouldn't have even been in the west wing!"

"Well you should learn to control your temper!"

I tried to think of a comeback, to no avail.

"Whats so secret that I cant know? What are you hiding from me? First a floating flower, now talking furniture."

"That floating flower..." I paused, choosing my words carefully. "That rose is enchanted. Just like everyone else that lives in this castle." Belle was waiting patiently for her explanation, hands folded in her lap, eyes wide and attentive.   "Its such a fragile thing, that the slightest touch will cause its petals to shed. Hence the glass that I placed over it for protection...that you so kindly took upon yourself to remove."

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