The Pub

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(Gaston's P.O.V)

"So what else do you do for fun?" The maiden who sat on my lap asked, batter her eyelashes and playing with the dark strands on my chest.

"Right now, I would like to sleep. That would be really fun." I answered as I gently moved her off my lap. I heard her whimper in disappointment and I chuckled slightly.

"Well." She turned to look at me from over her shoulder. She moved her long blonde hair over her other shoulder, letting me take a good long look at the curve of her back that led to her perky behind. "If you ever need some company...while you know where to find me."

Instead of answering her, I winked as I slapped her behind, making her yelp in surprise. She shuffled off, giggling to herself.

"Ugh." Said another girl, who was not too far away. She wrapped her small arm around my neck and pushed her large bosoms to my chest, making her cleavage spill over the peak of her red dress. "I thought that whore would never leave!" She laughed.

I gripped her waist, pulling her closer to me. "Be nice to your sister." I mused. "She cant resist me, thats all."

"Yes well, neither can I. She's not the only one with...needs." She ran a hand down my arm. "Don't you have needs Gaston?"

"Well I-"

"Gaston." Some idiot came loitering up to me, holding two beers in his hand. "Here's your refill."

I looked at him in anger, and his faint smile dropped as he looked between me and the busty girl in my arms. "Oh...did I interrupt something?"

I huffed under my breath and turned back to the woman in front of me, waiting for me to say or do something...anything. She pleaded for my attention with her eyes, and of course her body language. It was almost...sad.

I gave her a quick peck on her cheek and nuzzled my face into her neck. I heard her sigh in content. "Say hi to your husband for me." I whispered as I released my arms from around her waist. She eventually walked off, making sure she switched her hips as she did.

"Gaston...what are you doing?" La Fu question. He sat up on the stool not to far from mine and handed me the beer. I snatched it away from him and took a large swig.

"I don't know." I said, rubbing my tired eyes. "All I want is Belle! Not these random harlots."

"There are plenty of other ladies in town who aren't harlots that would die for your attention."

"Yes but...thats the thing La Fu!" I slammed the mug down on the bar. "Belle doesn't want my attention! She pushes me away and denies me her hand in marriage." I turned to him. "Thats why I want her. Thats why I need her."

"But...the feeling is not mutual. This is becoming an obsession."

"What do you mean?" I asked angrily. "I love her!"

"Yeah, and I have no idea why." He looked around before leaning in closer. "Her and her father are insane! Everyone thinks they practice witchcraft, and I'm starting to believe them."

"I must have a wife La Fu. And my wife cant be any o'el woman. Belle is the most beautiful girl in town. That makes her the best! And don't deserve the best?"

"What if she's not really beautiful. What if she's really some old witch who uses a spell to make herself beautiful."

I stood up and pushed my finger into his chest. Now he was just talking nonsense! Everyone knows a witch could not be beautiful, and they certainly did not have family. He was being utterly ridiculous.

"I will have Belle as my wife." I said venomously. "Make no mistake about that!"


(La Fu's P.O.V)

I sighed as Gaston stomped out of the Pub. Why did he always make me feel like the bad guy? Belle was crazy; and that was that. I even heard she could read and write. Who did she think she was anyway? Already 19 years old without a husband or children, going after an education. She must think she is a man, a royal man at that.

Gaston could have any woman in the village he wanted, yet he goes for the one who didnt fit anywhere. Even if they did marry, that Belle was certainly NOT marriage material.

I took another swig of my beer, licking the foam from my lips.

"Mousier La Fu!" I heard someone call my name. It was the young Jasper, caring a bag over his shoulder and holding a envelope in his other hand. He ran over to me and gave me the letter. "It's addressed to Gaston, but he turned me away. He asked me to give it to you for safe keeping."

I grumbled as I plucked the paper from his hand. I turned it over in my own, pretending to examine it, but really I had no idea what it said...I never learned to read. "Who is this from? this handwriting is chicken scratch."

Jasper pushed his eyebrows together. "Mousier Maurice."

"Belle's father?" I murdered. "What does he want?"

"I haven't read the letter. But it may be important He and Belle left town a few days ago in search for a doctor."

So that's where the witch has been lately. Well wherever they are, they could stay there for all I care. Maybe now Gaston can forget about her for good. "I'll make sure to give this to him in the morning." I lied.

Jasper nodded and then swiftly left the pub. I looked the letter over once more before stuffing it in my coat pocket.


(Belle's P.O.V)

I cried helplessly, sprawled out on my lavish bed. Salty tears streamed down my face as I touched my sore neck. He could have killed me! That monster almost took my life!

I was like I had pushed a button that set any humanity he may have aside. He barred his teeth at me like a wild dog, and his icy cold blue eyes...something evil sat behind those eyes. I whimpered as fear flooded my chest at the memory.

I could not live here! Not when he was this dangerous. He commanded me to refer to him as master, as if I was his slave! He may have took my freedom, but not my dignity!

You have no idea what I am or what I'm capable of. He was right about that. Who is this monster of a man... this beast? Why is he Lord of this castle?

Everything here felt so wrong; everywhere I looked was so beautiful, sickeningly so. These lavish comforters and silk nightgowns and extravagant furniture all displayed wealth; his wealth. And I wanted no part of it.

I don't know how I can possibly stand this torture!

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