His Little Wife

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Gaston followed me all the way down the path to my house, bragging about his latest kill. I made the mistake in believing we could actually have a decent conversation for once like sophisticated human beings instead of him mindlessly going on and on about himself like usual.

"That reminds me of my book character." I said with a slight smile. "There is this one scene where he slays a ferocious dragon with his magic sword and-"

"Are you comparing me to some fictional idiot?" Gaston sneered.

I propped my hands on my hips and pushed my eyebrows together. "I let you get away with saying alot, but calling Prince Phillip a "fictional idiot" is where I draw the line!"

He let out a hardy laugh as he reached around me to snatch the book out of my hand. "How can you read this crap? There's no pictures."

"Imagination is a beautiful thing, Gaston."

"Well I enjoy things I can see right in front of me." He winked.

"Thats painfully obvious." I murmured as I snatched my book back.

"You have got to get your head out of those blasted books, my dear. Its not right for a woman to read. Then she starts getting ideas, and...thinking." He said in distaste.

"Oh, God forbid a woman should ever do that." I said sarcastically. He sighed and wrapped his beefy arm around my waist and brought me close to his chest. "Let me go." I demanded.

He chuckled. "The more you resist, the more I want you to be mine, Belle." He leaned close to my ear, bringing his voice barley above a whisper. "And I always get what I want."

I shiver ran up and down my back. Gaston must have misunderstood that his creepy persistence was unnerving to me rather than seducing. 

"You can't fool me, Belle. I am irresistible, even to you and that big brain of yours." His smile widened. "And this is the day your dreams come true."

"Is that so?" I pulled his fingers off my waist and hurried to put some distance between us.
"And what do you know about my dreams, Gaston?"

"I happen to know alot about what woman want."

Not this woman. I thought to myself.

"Picture this." He gripped my shoulders again, I tried (with no avail) to worm my way out of it. "A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the open fire..." He looked down at me with his pale blue eyes. "And my little wife, massaging my feet. While the little ones play on the floor with the dogs." He laughed as he let go of my trembling shoulders. " We'll have 6 or 7."

"Dogs?" I asked hopefully.

"No belle." He slammed his fist into his chest proudly. "Strapping boys like me."

"Imagine that." We were now standing right in front of my house. Not too much longer of this torture and i'd be home free. "Thank you for your wonderful company Gaston. I really must be going now." I hurriedly walked onto the front steps of our cottage.

"And do you know who that little wife will be?" He said completely ignoring me trying to worm out of our conversation.

"Let me think." I was standing right in front of my door. Just turn the knob, and walk inside!

I was too late. Gaston had the audacity to slam both his hands on the hard wooden door on either side of my head, basically trapping me. I had no choice but to turn around and face him. "You, Belle."

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