Chapter 12

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"Ladybug," He asked hesitantly, "Can I talk to you?" He looked at her with those eyes of his.

"Adrien I really can't I'm on patrol." She responded as he was pulling her hand for her to start swinging her yo-yo.

"Please Ladybug. It will only take a moment." She sighed, forcing herself not to roll her eyes.

"Alright Adrien but please make it quick." She said allowing herself to be led into the recording room. He motioned for her to sit.

"I thought you said this was going to be quick..." She began.

"Please..." He said quietly motioning once more for her to sit down. She crossed her arms and looked at him expectantly, making it clear that she would not be sitting down at the edge of the roof. Coming to the conclusion that this was the best he would get from her he took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "Ladybug...  I love you. I... I don't really have much more than my heart to offer you... But it is yours if you want it... I'm not doing this very well am I..." He sighed muttering to himself, "Anyway M'lady I wanted to know, I mean I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend." There. He said it.

Ladybug stared wide-eyed at the man before her sinking into the previously offered chair. Her heart had fallen into her stomach in lost though by as her mind filled with the thought. 'I never want to see you again,' he had said to her and left Marinette for Ladybug. All those cruel hurtful words he had said, ... Just thinking that the man she had known and loved all her life couldn't care less about her... The reality of that made her stomach turn causing her to gag. She tried to conceal it with a cough but she couldn't hide the tears which had come unbidden and were now pouring from her eyes. Adrien looked at her feeling extremely helpless his face showing complete confusion. He didn't know what had happened... Had he said something wrong? When he tried to comfort her she just pushed him away.

"What... What about Marinette?" She managed to ask quietly through her sobs. He knelt beside her taking her hand in his, saying what he believed would make her happy again.

"What about Marinette? She means nothing to me. Not like you Ladybug. I love you. I didn't think I knew what love was till you. Even under the mask. Please- What's wrong? Why won't you tell me? I don't understand." He looked at her more confused than ever.

"No... No, you wouldn't understand..." She looked away laying her head in her hands hoping the queasy feeling in her stomach would stop. "I am sorry Adrien. That you feel that way." She said rising to her feet.

"Sorry for what? What's going on!" He cried beginning to lose patience with the hysterical girl. How was he supposed to help her if she wouldn't tell him what was wrong!

"You are in love with an illusion..." she breathed silently.  "I mean, it's not your fault Adrien. It's mine really. It's all my fault. I wanted to tell you... I tried to tell you... I really did... But then... then things kept happening and I thought I would lose you... You would never have forgiven me for keeping this from you... I didn't want to lose you, Adrien! You have to believe me... You wouldn't have understood..." She trailed off as Adrien threw up his arms in frustration.

"That you're a liar Marinette. I know your Ladybug. I hate deceit and you made a fool out of me! I never want to see you again!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"What you knew!" Ladybug said in teary eyes and shocked.

Adrien then nodded, "you used me... Goodbye Marinette you're even worse than Hawkmoth...." Then he turned around and disappeared.

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