Chapter 1

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After an awkward double date with Alya and Nino that got Marinette grounded from her parents; Since she has been previously grounded for missing school and being late suspiciously. Her parents took her home ending the date earlier. That night Adrien had come over to her home to get an answer. Marinette explained to Adrien that she was grounded but didn't want to cancel the date which caused her to sneak out. Confessing that she really liked Adrien. Adrien then confessed how he had done the same for the same reason and kissed her. Now Adrien and Marinette have been dating for a while as the perfect couple. However, they have still kept their alter ego a secret.

"Hey, Adrien thanks for helping me in the bakery." Marinette thanked as put the freshly decorated cookies in the front of the bakery displays.

"Anything for you Mari." Adrien wipes off his forehead which caused him to be covered in more flour, "Literally if my father found me like this I think he will flip."

"Aww poor baby, can't get your hand doing peasant work," Marinette giggles, "Next time try to not eat them after they're done being baked." She grabs a rag to clean his face.

His hand grabs her wrist as soon as she finished, "Only if you give me a kiss after the princess." He smiles.

"That's blackmailing my prince," She crosses her arm and pout.

"I know. How convenient," He smirks.

She flicks one of her fingers with whip cream and touched his nose with it, "Well then, you can't help out anymore."

"What no fair!" He whins as he wiped off the whip cream.

"That call a hussle sweetheart." She giggles and licks the leftover whip cream that was on her finger.

They both started to laugh then Adrien's phone rang he picked it up to read the message, "Hey Mari I have to go. "

"Are you going to get ready for the gala award banquet?" She teases.

"I kind of don't have a choice, I wish you could be there." He cleans himself up and lifted Marinette's face to peck a kiss on her lips.

"Don't worry you won't miss me." She giggles as he gave a death stare, "hey, say 'hi' to Ladybug for me."

"You got it, Mari." He waves goodbye and left out the door.

"So how the butterflies?" Tikki comments after Marinette has been staring at the door with a dazed face.

"Shut up," Marinette laughed, "Let's finish up because we have to get ready too! And we don't want to be late."

At the Gala
Adrien finally enters the yacht where the gala was going to be held. He made his way to the ballroom. Natalie and his bodyguard entered behind him and went ahead to talk on behalf of Gabriel brand. Adrien was left to wander around on his own so he leans back at the doorway hoping to see if Ladybug has arrived for him to swap attire.

"What a joint," Plagg said out of his pocket very bored as he ate his cheese.

"What is this gala not up to your glory?" Adrien teased.

"I've seen better and there was more cheese too." Plagg bragged in a boring response.

Then he heard Chloe yell out to him from the other room, "Adrikins!" She came to tackle a hug on him, "I'm so happy you came! Your sitting next to me of course and Ladybug too! Oh, wait that reminds me. I'll be right back. Daddy!!! Where is Ladybug?!" Chloe then rushed to a huge crowd of people who are working the gala.

Adrien gave an eye roll, "I wish I wasn't here doing double appearance."

"Aww, you ain't a fan of this?" A mysterious voice said behind him.

He turns around and saw he was blocking Ladybug's way. He steps back from the doorway in shock. Ladybug was still in her suit but with a make-shift skirt long enough to look like she wearing a dress, "m'... Ladybug! Of course, I'm a fan." He stutters, "I'm just a bit lonesome that's all." He tries to recover and not look starstruck.

She giggles at his awkwardness, "Don't worry I'll hang with you. I promise you'll have a great time." She smiled nervously.

"I.." He stutters again as he tries to think of a way to decline or say yes.

"Ladybug!" Chloe yelled next to Adrien's ear as she came to greet Ladybug. Then a swarm of people pushes away Adrien to crowd Ladybug.

"Nice moves Romeo." Plagg snickers in the pocket, "Was Adrien a little nervous."

"No of course not." Adrien says with confidence, "and I'm with Marinette."

"Let the madness begin. So why couldn't you say words to complete a sentence?" Plagg teases inside his pocket.

Adrien gave an eye roll and open his pocket to look at Plagg, "You'll get double the camembert cheese if you no longer comment"

"Deal," Plagg groans since he can not resist his cheese.

Adrien then took the distracted crowd to get changed into Chat Noir for the award ceremony. He went through a porthole to re-enter the gala. As soon as he enters back into the gala he goes to find Ladybug.

"M'lady you look purrfect this evening," Chat complimented

"Thanks so why were you late? Fashionably late?" She crosses her arms toward him.

"Wrong yacht m'lady," He jokes as he stood beside her and he watches when he was needed by Natalie so he can switch back as Adrien. The gala finally reached the award ceremony to honor Paris's heroes. The night continued as Adrien kept changing throughout the right. Eventually, he changed back to himself to give himself a chance to rest. Adrien was on the railing of the yacht. He looked at the medal they gave him as Chat Noir in his pocket. If only Marinette was there to see him receive it even though it was Chat. He missed her through as it was more work than it had to be.

"Hey, this isn't cheese." Plagg angrily says as he popped out of the pocket where he had placed the medal.

Adrien pulls out a cheese appetizer and slips it in for Plagg to not respond to him. He then looks at the reflection of the moon in the water as the yacht moved between the waves. He felt so at peace with the sound of the Mediterranean sea hitting the side of the yacht.

"Hey, you." Someone said behind him. It was Ladybug.

"Hello, Ladybug. Congratulations." Adrien said as he fixes his posture, "Are you looking for Chat Noir."

"Hey's probably fitting with some guests. No, I wanted to get some fresh air. I haven't seen you inside since the last time we chatted," Ladybug replied as she missed being with him.

Adrien tries to make an excuse as he was trying to be two people at the same place and time, "You just might have missed me. There are a lot of people."

Ladybug notices that he gets nervous around her, "Do you like me, Adrien?"

"Um... I... No... " Adrien stutters to get his answer, "I just miss my girlfriend Marinette, and well you're a hero. So your quite intimidating since I hardly know you."

"I should tell you...." Ladybug starts to confess. Adrien looks up at her with a confused and curious expression.

She soon was cut off as she felt the yacht lean to the side. She lost balance with her heels and slip overboard.

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