Chapter 8

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Chat slam to the floor face first, "I thought cats land on their feet." he mumbles to himself as he knew it would be something Ladybug w

"Chat Noir are you okay?" Marinette walks up from the bench to check on him. Nathaniel made a fist angrily and got up to follow Marinette.

"Yup. Why do trees have so many sticks?" chat chuckles as he rubs off the leaves that were in his hair.   

"So it can look like a tree," Nathaniel said sarcastically annoyed that Chat Noir was there.

"Nath don't be rude." Marinette extended her hand out to Chat Noir, "Why were you in the tree?"

"Haha, funny story. I was looking for Ladybug and well there was some traffic with the pigeons." Chat said grinning at Nathaniel. Chat Noir didn't mean to interrupt the conversation but in the end, he was glad too. 

Nathaniel growled in annoyance, "oh really?"

"Yeah you know they don't give you a driving manual for this," Chat Noir explained as Marinette giggles.

"Well it was a pleasure to see the inside scoop of Chat Noir patrolling but I have to get going," Marinette says as she wanted to transform into Ladybug to check on why Chat Noir was patrolling.

"Ok, so we'll hang out next time?" Nathaniel asked.

"Sure, thanks again for the talk," Marinette says.

 Chat Noir commented under his breath in a cough, "Nope." 

Nathaniel glares at him as Marinette leaves.

"And the cat is out." Chat Noir chuckles as he wiggles his fingers goodbye at Nathaniel to his amusement.

"Great another ruined chance," Nathaniel mumbles as he got his notebook and sketchbook.

Chat Noir went out to the street to change back into his civilian self.

"Kid get better on your landing. The suit has feelings too. Which is also ME!!!!" Plagg growled as he landed on Adrien shoulder.

"Sorry, the branch broke!" Adrien complains back.

"Give me 2 camembert cheese for the pain," Plagg ordered.

"Here," Adrien says as he pulls out two cheese and puts it in his pocket. Plagg flew in to it to start munching on his cheese."It not like I could find her anyway." Adrien sighs.

"Isn't that her up there?" Plagg pointed out to see Ladybug running on the rooftops.

Adrien then waved out at Ladybug and called her name. She saw him and swing down toward him."Uh... Hey Adrien...What up?"

He was shooked by her beauty. yes, I use the word shooked He had just realize that he was in his civilian form and he called Ladybug to talk. Howeer his heart was beating rapidly that he got her hand and pull him toward his torso. "Ladybug why did you kiss me?" He asked quietly in a hushed voice.

"I ..." Ladybug thought back to the time she had a huge crush on him before she dated him as a civilian. But ladybug is thinking of both Marinette. Ladybug didn't think for what she said next, "I like you, Adrien. I know you like me." She then kissed him.

"I do? I think your mistaking." He kissed her back, "I think I'm hopelessly in love." He murmurs as he kissed her.

Short but it will be longer in future chpters

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