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1 month later

Life is good

I was surprised to say it but life right now is good

Everything in the prisons different to, ricks no longer in charge, there's a council, Daryl, carol, Hershel, Sasha, Glenn and myself and James

There's also a sickness going around, most of the people from Woodbury have it, Glenn to. which worried Maggie a lot, but who can blame her Glenn and her got married!

Things with myself and dad have grown, he's the best father I could ever have, my relationship with Daryl's grown to he's the best uncle, I've also met a boy, he's name is James, and honestly we have a 'thing', of course dad nor Daryl say they like him, dad always says

"If he ever does anything to ya he's dead" and Daryl will just nod, but I roll my eyes every time. James is super nice , and is brave for dating the dioxins daughter he's got a lot of guts to do that, we joke about it all the time and he always says

"Your worth the risk" I smile and we kiss just about every time

"Wacha thinking about" dad says stepping into my cell

"Me and James" I say blushing, he lets out a hmpt and I chuckle

"You know you like him"

"By now you should know a father will never like any boy that's with her" he said walking off

"Oh come on dad!"

"Nope" he said walking out side

"You suck" I say, more to the air than any one else

"Hey babe"i heard as a hand grabbed my fave pulling my close into a kiss, I smiled

"hey" I say

"So I'm going on the run today" he spoke

"Oh ok" I say "just be carful and come back in one piece. Can you manage that?"

"But of course"he said he kissed me once more before walking off to Zack Beth's boyfriend they where good friends being the only teen age boys around here they where close. he waved at me once more before walking out if the prison block

I felt a hand on my shoulder.I looked up to see Beth

"They'll be ok" she said more like she was trying to convince herself

"Yeah they'll be fine" I say

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