Whats gonna happen

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Two months later

I haven't eatin in a few days and it's really starting to get to me,Merle and I still haven't found his brother and his group where still looking for that damn prison

"We'll rest here for awhile"he said,I nodded and we sat down I leaned my head against a tree

"How you feeling"

"Ill be fine how are you?"

"Don't worry bout me"

"Merle you know I worry about you like you worry bout me"I say,he chuckled lightly rolling his eyes.

" there's a small neighborhood round here somewhere if I remember correctly... well find it an scavenge for some food if not ill go hunting, see what I can find"he said,
I nodded casually looking around at the trees surrounding us.

It wasn't much of a break before we started walking again. About 2 miles down the road like Merle had said a small neighborhood with three or four houses came into view and the best part..I saw no biters!
We eagerly walked up to the first house and pulled our weapons out,
i was so eager to find food and eat and I knew  Merle was too. He normally gave me bigger portions of food when we did find any. A small gesture but to me it was a huge one. It was one of the ways I knew he really cared about me and would have my back in any fight.
he slowly twisted the knob on the door and to my surprise it wasn't locked, not to surprising considering a lot of people left there houses in such a rush locking the door behind them seemed silly.

"Ill take upstairs you take down"he said nodding at the stairs. I have a quick nod and started looking around for biters on the first floor,luckily I didn't find any, i quickly made my way to the kitchen and started looking in the cabinets for food but only found a couple granola bars,I waited for Merle to come back down

"Anything?"he asked Looking around.
"No biters but I found these!...nothing else tho "I say laying the bars out on the counter in front of him.
He laid a small pocket knife and flash in the stash as he spoke.
"We'll look in the others houses they'll have some more" he seemed sad as he spoke. I nodded hopefully and we started walked to the next house.

We briskly walked to the front door,Merle twisted the knob but it was locked,he held his hand out do me to stand back so I did, he kicked the door so hard it flew right open!

" check the rooms on yer left"he said walking to our right. I checked around  for biters or anything interesting,
I walked into the first bedroom to find it very clean and a made bed, I wondered who lived here...whoever did must have really liked things clean, the whole house seems almost untouched by the outside world...

"You clear Sam" Merle's voice rang through the house
" Yeah Im all clear here"I said walking into the kitchen.
I Started open the cabinet one by one revealing a stock pile of food!
"Oh my god"I say "Merle we got the mother-"I was cut off by a hand over my mouth and a gun to my head,I started breathing very heavy,I held my hands up in serenader the person turned me around and I saw Merle with a rag in his mouth and his hands tied behind his back,I started to panic,who are these people what do they want

"What we gonna do with em' boss" the man holding me said.

"The man I could careless but her i have use for her take her to my room"he said with an evil grin.

Merle started screaming threw the gag and trying to lose himself from the two men holding him

" doncha' worry friend, she's in good hands" the man said looking at merle. I don't think I had ever seen such fear and anger in Merle's eyes.

The hand over my mouth was replaced with a rag and my hands where tied in rope. I started screaming and kicking the man who was restraining me, I turned around in a swift motion kicking my leg up and making contact with the persons jaw knocking them to the floor, he quickly grabbed my leg and pulled me to the ground
"She's feisty"he said as he straddled my waist holding me to the ground. He whipped the blood from this chin

"You'll pay for that..how bout we have some fun" he said with a deep chuckled, another man grabbed me by wrists and dragging me around the corner as I kicked and screamed of what I could threw the gag.

I was put in a room and sat on the bed as the man sat across the room from me. My head hung low as my mind was racing with question of fear and anger.
What did they want from us?!
What was going to happen
Am I gonna die
Is he gonna rape me
What's gonna happen to Merle
Oh no Merle... please don't die.


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