Operation get out(pt 2)

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Night came quick and I quickly checked to make sure no one was around before pulling out the key and opening the door

"Lets do this" I say, Merle smiled

"T'ats my girl" he said patting my back before we all started out the door

"Well stop in the armory and get a few things before we head out so were ok" Merle said

"Yeah maybe Ill find my crossbow in there to" Daryl said

"Maybe even my gun to" I say, we started down the long halls, it was a good thing Merle knew his way around or we would have been lost. we had made out way to the armory and no one was in there so we got what we could, I found my gun on a table along with Daryl's crossbow and arrows, we got a few others things and started out it was going all good we where going threw the streets with no problem, everyone was in there homes only the people on watch where up which was only a few easy enough to sneak around. all the sudden I heard a gun click and stopped where I was, I turned to see to men holding guns to Merle and Daryl's heads, I gasped and watched as Philip walked in between them

"P-please don't hurt them" I whisper to him, he walked closer

"Stay" he said "an ill let them go with no harm" I nodded quickly

"Deal just please don't hurt them" I say

"Take them to the front gate and let them out" he said to the men, they nod "dont hurt them just send them away" Merle smiled

"Come on Sam" he said, reaching to me only to have the men pull him back ,I shook my head

"Go now" I say, Philip smiled and grabbed my wrist and pulling me away to his house, I looked back to see Merle and Daryl gone now, I let a few tears fall,

We got in the house and Philip sat me down

"Good to be back home eh" he said, I just looked down trying not to cry more. part of me was sad I was here but another part of me told me other wise


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