Operation get out ( pt-1)

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I closed my eyes trying to hold my tears in but failed I silently cried while Philip laid in bed beside me and soon cried myself to sleep

I woke up early and Philip was still in bed, I crawled out put my cloths on and walked threw the house. I thought while I made breakfast, 'tonight, I should free Merle and Daryl send them to the prison and tell them all that's happened. I couldn't kill Philip I was to weak. I love him so how do you kill some one you love? but if you don't he might kill the people you've loved the start of this, I started crying again and I felt arms wrap around my waist, I turne around and pushed him away

"How could you!" I yell at him

"W-what's going on babe what are you talking about"

"Dont play that you know what I'm talking about" he didn't reply
"The prison" I say "you promised, you promised to leave them alone and you didn't you lied to me!" I say

"H-how, who told you"

"I figured it out on my own, did you think I would find out?!...im so stupid why did I ever trust you" I say as I grabbed my bag

"What are you doing"

"Something I should have done a long time ago" I say walking to the door but he beat me there and pushed me to the ground

"You can't leave!" he said

"Why not!?" I yell h didn't reply
"Why!" I say pushing him back some, he still didn't answer I went to push him again but he grabbed me and kissed me

"You can't because your all I have. I love you, you can't leave.. please"

"N-no y-you don't love me th only person who loves me is my father and I want to be with him. right now no more of this take me to him or kill me now!" I say, he looked Hurt

"I can't kill you" he said

"Than you know where to take me" I say holding my hand out, he hesitantly grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the house and to the jail dungeon prison type thing, he stopped at Merle and Daryl's door

"This was your choose not mine" he said opening the door and pushing me in before closing it back and walking off, I looked up to see Merle an Daryl looking at me, I couldn't help but smile, I hugged Merle

"Guess I'm back for now" I say

"Good t' have ye back girly" Merle said kissing the Sid of my head, I stud up and walked to the door looking around outside I saw no one

"I'm getting us out of here" I say turning around

"How are you gonna do that" Merle said standing up also as did Daryl, I took my keys out and showed them

"Our way out, tonight we make our escape to freedom" I ssays hey nod and smile

"That's my girl" he said, I smile

Operation get out begins

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