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Shawns pov


I slap my phone hoping the alarm would turn off but because of my luck it doesn't.

I run my eyes while the stupid alarm still goes off and I sit up in bed.

I grab my phone and turn it off. I see there is a notification sitting there on my lock screen waiting to be seen.

"Seeing Cara! Today"

"Omg" I whisper. I start to smile thinking about the thought of seeing her face to face in real life.

But then my smile falters...

'What if she isn't surprised and doesn't want to see me?'
'How will she react?'
'Will she be mad that I didn't tell her I was here?'

I must've looked worried or frustrated because Geoff laid his hand on my shoulder shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Hey you okay?" He asks.
"Uh.. yeah" I reply.
"Shawn. You can talk to me" he says back.
"Yeah I know. It's just I'm having bad thoughts about finally meeting Cara" I confess.
"Dude. She's going to be so happy, man" he says with a smile.
I smile back and look back at my phone while he goes and gets ready.

I open my phone up and go to text Cara.

Good morning!
From Cara🍬:
Hey! What are you
doing up so early?!
Couldn't sleep. Haha

From Cara🍬:
Haha. Of course
Can we ft soon?

Of course. Let me get ready

From Cara🍬:
I mean you don't have to.. haha

I smile at her comment and decide just to call her.

Calling Cara🍬

"Shawn!" She says happily.
"Cara! What's up hun?" I ask.
"Nothing really just got up a bit ago because I wanted to say goodbye to Pandora" she says back.
"Is she visiting anytime soon?" I ask her.
"I have no clue!" She says laughing.
"So I–"

"Shawn? You got to get ready" Geoff says and winks at me.
"Alright" I answer and turn my head back to Cara.

"Hey I ha–"
"I heard Shawn. Don't worry we can FaceTime later" she says with a smile.
"Alright love you. Bye" I say.
"Love you too" and we disconnected.

I get up and out of bed and rummage through my bag to find something to wear.

I decided on a Blue shirt, black jeans and and my black boots. (Classic Shawn outfit haha)

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and mess with my hair a bit.

"You ready?" Geoff asks.
"As I will ever be" I say back.

"A/n: it sounds like he is about to get married omg)

I grab my phone and place it in my pocket and we head out.

We enter the rental car and Geoff drives off to Caras apartment.

"G.." I start.
"Shawn. You can't have doubts. I hear you talk about her all day long. I know you love her okay?"
"Okay." I say back.

(A/n: me and my friend just had that moment like 5 secs ago (Mafias_Doll ))

Turns out that...

We are 20 minutes from where she lives which is good.

I stare out the window thinking about what I am going to do when I get here.

'Hug her?'
'Not speak?'
'Just stand there?'
'Oh god'

"Shawn stop stressing" Geoff says.
"Okay. Okay" I say raising my hands up in defense.


Caras pov

I go downstairs into the kitchen so I can get something to snack on and I hear my phone ding.

From Dora😂:
Hey girl. If it's okay with
you, can I come over and
stay over for a bit?


From Dora😂:
Ya. Text you soon.

Okay then...

I go to my cupboard and pull out a pop tart and bring it over to my "living room"

I sit down and right as I am about to turn the tv on I hear my doorbell ring...

Omg omg omg omg omg omg!

Xoxo Brianna

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