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Caras pov

Pandoras outfit (below)

"Pandora!" I say excitedly and hug her

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"Pandora!" I say excitedly and hug her.
"Omg. Cara look at you!"
"No look at you!" I say back and hug her again.
"It's been wayyyyyy to long" she says while stretching the "y".
"Dora I understand"

She looks at me with annoyance because when we were little I would call her Dora and she hated that.

"Don't you ever call me that ever again" she says laughing along with me.
"Alright Dora"

She eyes me and I put my hands up in surrender.

"Sorry. Last time. I promise" and we both laugh.

Okay story time...

Pandora is my favorite cousin out of all my family.

She is a year older than me so it feels as if we were sisters. She has taught me many things while growing up and just helped me with my life in general.

We haven't really saw each other since before my move to my apartment. We would text here and there but it was sparse. It's not like she purposely didn't text me, it was more of a "don't text your cousin cause she's done bad things" sorta way with my family.

I walk into the house and look around.

Nothing really has changed except some decorating decisions.

"So how have you been?" She asks me.
"It's been okay. You know the usual" I say honestly.
"Have any boys after you?" She laughs.
"Well um. Not really. But I mean if you count the guys I've been friends with that is in another country then yes?" It came out as more of a question then an answer.
"Oh my g–"

She gets cut off by my parents walking in.

"Ah Cara!" My mum says and hugs me... weird.
"How have you been dear?" She asks.
"I've been good" I answer.

"Cara" my dad says with a slight smile.
"Hey dad how have you been?" I ask.
"Im well" he answers.

"Well let's go eat shall we?"

We all walk into the dinning room and sit down.

My mum and dad bring in the plates of food from the kitchen in.

"This looks amazing!" Pandora says.

She's my cousin so I can say this; she's a kiss ass to a lot of people, especially my parents.

I feel a vibration in my pocket so I take it out.

I excuse myself from the table and walk into the living room.

From shawn💕:
Hey. Idk if I am
interrupting anything,
but do you know when
you might be home tomorrow?

Uh yeah all day love

Why is he asking that?

I put my phone back in my pocket and sit back down at the table.

"Who was that?" My mum asked.
"One of my friends" I reply not getting into detail.

"So has Caleb talked to you lately?" She asks.

You have no idea.

"Uh yeah" I say simply.
"Mum I don't want to have this conversation right now okay?" I ask nicely.
"Honey what's wrong?" She asks worried.
"Mum!" I say trying to not explode.
"Fine we'll talk later" she says.

Around 25 minutes later we were done with dinner and so my parents decided to clear the table and Pandora and I went to the porch.

"So... who's the the other country guy?" Pandora asks smiling wide.
"His name is Shawn. And he is 18 and from Canada" I laugh.
"Wait. Last name please" she asks.
"Mendes" I simply say.
"Nuh uh. Girl do you know who you are talking to?" She says excited.
"Yes I do. I'm just not a huge fan. We are friends. Best friends. I don't see him as famous" I explain "and since when have had an obsession with him?"
"I don't. But I do know a few things about him since my best friend, Layla is literally the definition of obsessed" we both laugh.

I look down at my phone and see it is around 7:23 and I contemplate with myself wether or not to stay longer.

"Hey you wanna come over to my apartment and hang for a bit or even stay the night?" I ask Pandora.
"Omg yes!" She says.
"Alright let me go and say goodbye"

We both walk into the house and walk into the kitchen where my parents are.

"Hey mum and dad, Pandora and I are heading out. It was great seeing you two" I say.
"Ah honey anytime" she says and hugs me. I then hug my dad and we head out.

"How did you get here?" I ask her.
"Your parents picked me up so like if I wasn't going with you I would be stuck with them for much longer" she says and we both laugh.
"Well, you can borrow clothes because you are staying over!" I say excitedly.
"I will agree with this but I need to be home by 8 tomorrow due to work AND" she begins "if I get to meet your lover" she says.
"Omg stoppppppp" I whine.

She laughs and we both get into the car and I begin driving back home.

We eventually reach home and we both walk into my apartment.

"Oh my god I love your place!" She says.
"I know right it's really homey!" I say.

We begin to walk upstairs so that we can get ready for the night.

"Here" I say and throw her some pjs.
"Thanks girl" she says and she heads to the bathroom.

While she is in there I decide on getting changed.

We both are done and now we are on my bed face timing Shawn.

"Cara!" He says.
"Hey shawn!" I say back.
"Aw what's up?" He asks.
"Well... I was at my parents house as you know. And the special guest was... my cousin PANDORA!" I say and point the camera at her.
"Oh hey how are you?" He asks.

We both burst out in laughter and he looks at us confused.

"I will never ever understand girls in my life!" He complains.

Shawns pov

"Okay we gotta go because we are going to watch movies and hit the hay. Love ya good night SHAWN!" Cara yells that last part.
"Okay good night CARA and Pandora" I yell her name.

We disconnect and I lay my phone on my chest.

'Just a few hours'......

Long chapter! Who's excitedddddd!!!!!!!!!

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Xoxo Brianna

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