Sixteen: Day Three, Memories

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“Come on, Vivi, it’s starting!” Lewis cheered.

“I’m getting the popcorn, you goofball,” Vivi called back.


Vivi was over at Lewis’ house to watch anime with him. He tended to get lonely watching anime, being the only one in his family to like it, so Vivi agreed that every Friday night, they’d watch Sailor Moon together.

The bluenette soon entered the living room and froze at what she saw. Lewis was singing along perfectly to the Japanese theme song. She hid her giggles in her hand and just watched her boyfriend sing the song with the voice of an angel.

“Wow, Lewy, you can really sing,” Vivi complimented as she sat down next to him.

“Oh! Uhm...hehe, yeah, um...thanks,” Lewis blushed furiously.

“Aww, don’t be embarrassed. You sounded amazing,” Vivi wrapped her arms around Lewis’ body.

Lewis smiled and wrapped his arm around Vivi’s shoulder, making sure she was comfortable. “Thanks, Vivi.”


“...thank you all for coming to this year’s Spring Musical,” Lewis smiled. “I just have to say...none of this would have happened without a wonderful playwright! So it is my pleasure to call Vivian Demorska to the stage!”

The crowd cheered as the bluenette blushed and walked onto the stage next to her boyfriend. She looked at Lewis, who encouraged her to say something.

“Um...hi, everyone. I guess I just wanna thank the theatre arts teacher Mrs. Velvet for allowing me the opportunity to write this play,” Vivi said. “It was super awesome to see such an amazing cast recreate my play!”

“I’ve never been prouder of you, Vivs,” Lewis smiled at his little blueberry and kissed her lovingly.

The crowd went crazy for the couple.



Quick padding of feet could be heard in the Pepper’s residence. The door creaked open to reveal a crying Vivi.

“My little blueberry? What’s wrong?” Lewis asked as he climbed into bed with her and cuddled her in his huge arms.

“I...I had a nightmare, Lew-Lew! It was terrible!” Vivi curled into Lewis as if he was going to disappear.

“It’s okay, Vivs. Everything will be fine. Do you want to talk about it?” Lewis asked and stroked her hair comfortingly.

“, me, Mystery, and Arthur were on a case were Arthur,” Vivi sobbed.

“Sweetheart, don’t worry. Arthur wouldn’t do anything of the sort. He wouldn’t have the guts to,” Lewis said soothingly. “Besides, I’m his best friend. Why would he want to kill me?”

“Heh, you’re right, that is pretty silly,” Vivi giggled a bit before wiping her tears. “Sorry, I just...I panicked when you died...what would I do without you?”

“You’d keep living your life to the fullest, okay? There’s no need to get depressed over me,” Lewis answered for her.

“I love you, Lewy.”

“I love you too, Vivi.”

Lewis planted a kiss on her soft lips before they both drifted off to sleep again.


“Aunt Vivi!” cheered four-year-old Paprika.

“Heya, Papi!” Vivi greeted her with a hug. “Hey, Kay and Belle!”


“Hello, V-Vivi,” Lewis blushed as he greeted Vivi. “Um, right this way.”

“Hey there, Lew-Lew,” Vivi smiled as she followed him to her seat.

“Here you are, my little blueberry,” Lewis stopped at a booth next to a window with a beautiful view of the town they lived in. “Your favorite seat in the restaurant.”

“Aww, thanks, Lew-bear.”

“L-Lew-bear? Heh, that’s a new one…” Lewis giggled nervously.

“You should learn to grow accustomed to different nicknames.” Vivi smirked. “I have a vivid imagination.”

Lewis blushed a little and waited as Vivi ordered her food. It wasn’t the first time she’d been here, so she had an idea of what she liked and what she didn’t.

It wasn’t long until Lewis brought out two plates of food to Vivi’s booth. Vivi smiled, knowing Lewis would be joining her lunch today.

“Mademoiselle, I shall be joining you for lunch this afternoon,” Lewis gracefully placed the plates down on the table.

“Thank’re sure it’s okay with your parents?” Vivi asked digging into the delicious food.

“Why of course, my dear. They love you, but not as much as I do.”

Vivi blushed and smiled as they ate together almost in sync with each other.


“Lew, you should be laying down, you sickball,” Vivi scolded as she found Lewis making his way to the kitchen.

“Huh? Oh...hi, Vivi,” Lewis rasped and coughed to clear his throat. “I was just...ugh, getting some soup.”

“No no no! You lay your butt back down on that couch, young man. I’ll make you some soup and tea.”

“No, don’t...don’t have to...take of……”

Lewis began to fall and Vivi ran to catch him. Vivi felt his forehead.

“Your fever’s getting higher, Lew-bear, you need rest,” Vivi led, more like dragged, Lewis to the couch and helped him lay down.

“V-Vivi...I can...I can...ugh…” Lewis lay his head comfortably on the pillow Vivi just set there for him.

“Now, you stay here, don’t move a muscle,” Vivi said threateningly, yet caringly.


“Not. A. Muscle.”

Lewis stayed quiet and pulled the blanket closer. In all honesty, he knew she meant well, but he didn’t want to get in the habit of letting people take care of him because he had to be independent at some point in his life.

He had his whole life ahead of him. Just let Vivi play the mother hen just this once. It’s not like she was hurting him.


Sorry for being gone for so long. Finals are here and I'm busy studying. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed, if you did pls vote/comment if you want. Kay, love you all, bye!

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