Fourteen: Day Three, The Missing Piece

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“Lew, Vivs...are you…”

“I’m so excited, Lew-Lew!” Vivi squealed.

“Hehe, Vivs, I can tell,” Lewis blushed at the nickname.

“Guys?” Arthur called in the back, but it was no use.

They weren’t listening to him. He sighed and retreated to looking out the window sadly. It was constantly like this. They’d get a case, Vivi and Lewis would practically spend the whole trip talking to each other, ignoring him, and then solving the problem.

“You know...this cave is supposed to have a spirit in it that makes people commit suicide,” Vivi shivered with excitement, but also a little fear. “What if...what if one of us gets possessed?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you and Artie,” Lewis claimed bravely.

“Aww, Lew-Lew!” Vivi squeaked and planted a kiss on Lewis’ cheek.

Arthur grumbled something quietly under his breath. He hated being treated like this every time they went on cases. Every other time they hung out, he felt included, but during cases, he was totally ignored...until he became the bait for spirits.

The van came to a smooth stop signaling that they had arrived. Arthur shivered uncomfortably. Something wasn’t right about this place.

“Um...g-guys?” Arthur quivered. “Something feels o-off about this p-place…”

“What is it, Arthur?” Vivi asked. “Being cowardly again?”

“Vivi!” Arthur complained. “There’s a-a very weird v-vibe coming f-from that c-cave...I don’t trust i-it.”

“Calm down, Artie,” Lewis wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “I’ll make sure you’ll be safe. Both you and Vivs, okay?”

Arthur gulped and watched as Mystery jumped out of the van and winked at him. “O-okay, bro.”

Lewis gave Arthur a reassuring smile and pat on the back before the four of them headed toward the cave.

“Sure is dark in here,” Vivi commented right before Lewis had made a torch for them. The bluenette smiled. “My Lew-Lew, always knowing what to do.”

Lewis blushed again. “Artie, hold this for a second. I think I forgot something in the van. I’ll be right back.”

“Ok-k-kay,” Arthur trembled.

Lewis ran back to grab a small black velvet box. He opened it and looked at the beautiful sapphire engagement ring. He took a breath and placed it in his coat pocket.

“I just have to find the perfect spot,” Lewis smiled and made sure he looked nice and neat. “Okay, time to go, can do this.”

He hurried back over to his friends. He grabbed the torch from Arthur, who screamed in fear.

“Wow, you really are paranoid,” Lewis laughed.

“L-Lew! That’s n-not funny! You s-scared me!” Arthur squeaked.

“Come on, let’s explore,” Vivi rushed excitedly.

Mystery quickly followed after her. Lewis and Arthur stayed behind.

“Lew, shouldn’t w-we-”

“Check it out,” Lewis interrupted and showed Arthur the beautiful ring he was planning to propose to Vivi with.

“Dude, you’re gonna!-”

“Shut up! Don’t ruin it!” Lewis yelled as they started walking slowly.

“Sorry, b-bro. That’s b-beautiful. When are y-you gonna d-do it?” Arthur asked.

“I’m going to do it today. I just have to find the right place here.”

“I’m s-sure she’ll s-say yes. Y-you two were m-meant to be t-together,” Arthur forced a smile. ‘This is it. My chance that Vivi and Lew would break up and open up her heart for me is gone.’

“S-so, um...if she does happen to say y-yes...uh, would you be my best man?” Lewis blushed and avoided eye contact.

Arthur’s eyes widened in shock. “O-of course. I-it’d be an h-honor to be your b-best m-man.”

Lewis hugged Arthur, careful not to burn him with the fire he was holding. “Thanks bro, you’re the best.”

“I’m what puts th-the best in best man, r-right?” Arthur joked.

Lewis chuckled at the bad joke.

“Come on, you slowpokes!” Vivi called out from farther ahead.

“Coming, Vivi!” Lewis called back like the loyal dog he was.

Arthur hurried to catch up with Lewis, who was jogging to catch up to Vivi. They noticed there were two ways to go. The one on the left was headed upward and the one on the right was headed downward. Green mist started to fill the cave, but it didn’t appear to affect anyone.

‘Go to the left, with the purple-haired man.’

“What?” Arthur whispered.

“Arthur, focus, dude,” Vivi said. “We’re splitting up. Mystery and I and going downward, you and Lewis are going upward.”


“No one e-else...h-hears th-that v-voice?” Arthur squeaked.

“You’re just paranoid, Artie. Come on, let’s go,” Lewis smiled and led Arthur up the left side.

‘Why’s the mutt following? Doesn’t matter. He’s not gonna stop the inevitable.’

Lewis abruptly stopped, which made Arthur freeze in his tracks, careful not to knock Lewis over.

“Whoa...this place is perfect for a proposal,” Lewis said. “Lots of spikes down there...we gotta be careful not to fall.

Push him.’ Arthur grabbed his head with his right arm. Where did that thought come from? ‘You know you want to. Think of all he’s done. He stole your crush, he ignores you, he treats you like bait, like garbage. It only takes one little push to end your suffering.

Arthur shook the thoughts out of his head. ‘Stop it! I’m not going to push him! He’s my best friend!’

Arthur didn’t notice his left arm was starting to turn green. ‘Just push him, Arthur! It’s so easy! He’s so close! Just kill him! You can do it! Push him, Arthur! Push him off! Push him into the spikes!’

Arthur started walking closer to Lewis. ‘What? What are you doing?’

The left side of his face smirked as he said. “Doing what you won’t.

With that, Arthur pushed Lewis to his death with the possessed left arm. With his controllable right side, he started crying.


*Crunch* *Splat* *Scream*

“M...MY...A-ARM? L-L-L-LE-LEW-LEW-LEWIS!!!” Arthur cried the hardest he’d ever cried before he passed out from excruciating pain and loss of blood.


SORRY AGAIN! I'm back in college and I had to make up a bunch of stuff I was supposed to do on Spring Break, but didn't.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story, you know what to do if you did. Love you guys, bye!

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