Two: Day One, The Call

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Daylight shone through the bedroom window waking Arthur up from sleep. With a yawn and a stretch, he sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He looked down to see Mystery stretching as well. He smiled and pet the dog's head before hesitantly heading toward the bathroom.

He was afraid that those flames were still there on his mirror. He shakily flipped on the light switch and sighed in relief when he saw that there was nothing on his mirrors.

"Th-thank goodness."

He quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face before returning to his room to get dressed. He thought about what he wanted to do for the next few days. 'If I'm gonna die in four days, I might as well spend it with the ones I love,' he thought, but paused a bit. 'Hold on, if I spend this time with them...I'll make it worse on them. I wouldn't want that for Vivi and Mystery. I should just-'

Arthur's thoughts were interrupted by his ringing phone. He hurried to grab it and answered with, "Hello?"

"Arthur! Happy three days and 16 hours early birthday!" cheered none other than his best friend Vivi.

"Vivs, you don't ha-have to-"

"Nonsense! Of course I do! I'm your best friend! In fact, I'm like, your only friend, so deal with it!"

Arthur chuckled a little. Vivi always knew how to lift his spirits even if she didn't know he was upset.

"Anyways, how's it feel to be 23 in a matter of only four days?" Vivi asked.

"It f-feels gr-great..." Arthur lied. 'If only I wasn't going to die in four days...'

"You're catching up to me!"

"Yeah, u-until y-you turn tw-twenty-five in J-January," Arthur replied.

"Hey, I can't help the fact that you're younger than I am! Anyway, I'm throwing a party for you and I need you to-"

"Vivi, n-no, i-it's okay." Arthur pleaded. 'Please don't throw me a party for my death day.' "I-I don't w-want a party. T-trust me, I l-love your p-parties, b-but...I just really d-don't want a party this y-year. Besides, who a-are we g-gonna invite?"

Nothing but silence was heard through the phone. 'Oh boy, she's not taking this well. Maybe I should-' All of a sudden, Arthur heard Vivi burst into laughter as if she just heard the funniest thing in the world.

"V-Vivs, what's s-so f-funny?" he asked confused as he sat on his bed, getting tired of standing.

"Haha! You don't want a party?! Hah! You're funny. I'm throwing this party whether you want it or not!" Vivi laughed on the phone.

"Great," he said enthusiastically, but really he was being sarcastic.

"Don't worry about the guest list. I've got it all under control."

Arthur rolled his eyes and looked down at Mystery. The dog looked like he was going to doze off again at any moment. Arthur smiled and pet the dog's head. 'I sure am gonna miss you, buddy.'

"A-alright, whatever y-you say," Arthur laughed. "H-hey, want m-me to c-come over a-and help?"

"Arthur, it's your party. You can't help plan," Vivi complained.

"I'll bring Mystery."

The dog's ears shot up at the sound of his name.

"Ooh! Okay, you can come over, but I don't want you peeking at my party plans, got it?" Vivi demanded, but Arthur knew she meant well.

"F-fine, I w-won't bother the p-party plans, okay?" Arthur promised.

"Good, you may come over whenever you wish."

"I-I might m-make it over th-there soon, but I'll probably be there a-at around...noonish?"

"Sure, in fact, I should probably be done with party plans by then. We could probably go out for lunch at your favorite place," Vivi enthused.

"S-sounds like a p-plan. I-I'll meet you at n-noon." Arthur smiled as Vivi hung up the phone after saying her goodbyes.

He was lucky to have a friend as great as Vivi. She was always there for him when he needed her the most. She always filled his day with happiness and sunshine. There was no denying that he'd had a small crush on her since high school and it just kept growing and growing. Even after she chose Lewis, Arthur's heart was broken, but he still had that stupid crush on her.

And that's what got Lewis killed. His jealousy. Arthur was always jealous of Lewis even though they were the closest best friends in the world. Lewis was always really talented in everything he did. He could sing, he could make art, he could play any sport, he even starred in the high school spring musical as the main character! Arthur couldn't do half of the stuff that Lewis could. The only thing he thought he was good for was mechanics. He was good at making different gadgets and gizmos and other knick knacks. At times, he was really proud of himself and his friends would cheer him on, but it just wasn't enough.

Lewis also had a great personality. He was always super nice to everyone he met. In fact, they first met when Arthur was stuffed in his locker by some bullies in the second grade and Lewis saved him. He was the bravest man Arthur knew. When the Mystery Skulls united, Arthur had been reluctant to join. He was cowardly and didn't want anything to do with ghosts. Lewis was all in. He was super excited to join the gang, almost as excited as Vivi was.

Lewis was everything Arthur wasn't. He was confident, optimistic, self-determined, and strong-willed. Arthur wasn't anything close to confident. He could be optimistic at times. He never really motivated himself and gave up rather easily. Lewis was flawless it seemed, aside from his terrible anger, and Arthur couldn't stand it. How could this guy be so perfect? So flawless? So popular?

In all honesty, as much as Arthur would've wanted to push Lewis down a cliff into spikes to his death, he wouldn't ever dare do it. He'd be too scared to think of what would happen. He knew how much Lewis meant to Vivi and vice versa. Whatever took over him had fed off of his emotions. The evil spirit was controlled by negative feelings and Arthur was feeling pretty negative that night.

Arthur had no problem sitting in the back seat of the van. The problem was that he was being ignored. Whenever he started to say something, Lewis or Vivi would start talking over him. He knew they probably didn't mean to do it on purpose, they probably didn't hear him over the flirts and laughs in the front row. It had bothered him so much, he couldn't hold back his emotions. They were just bottled up inside and he felt that he could burst at any second.

Despite this, he never snapped. He never told them how he felt. He couldn't tell them. He didn't know if it was a man thing, but he doubted it since Lewis always told Vivi his feelings. Arthur wished that he could've told them how he felt. He wished he could apologize about feeling the way he did.

Arthur sighed and looked down at a peacefully sleeping Mystery. "I wish I could've been a better friend."


And chapter 2 is complete! Wow, my very first update in 2017! Would ya look at that!? In two days, it will be my 4th year on Wattpad! Crazy right?! I can't believe it's been this long.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please leave a vote/comment! I'm gonna go watch Jacksepticeye now. PARTY HARD!!! ...ahem, bye.

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