Chapter 12

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Erica's P.O.V

He runs his fingers through my hair his sweet lips meet mine. He then bit my lip making me let out a soft moan.

He then took his his shift and did the same with mine, and we all know what has happened after that

"That was great." He whispered the next thing we knew was the door bell went off

"Who could that be?" I wondered he then jumped out of the bed and put on his boxers and gym shorts

"Grayson what's-?"

"I'll get the door just get dressed and meet me down stairs in the living room." He said and he dashed out of the room

I sighed and I hopped out of bed and I quickly get dressed

I put on my black ripped jeans my black tank top and my red and black Plaid shirt I left it unbutton I then put my black converse on and grabbed my phone and went down stairs I go into the living room and I wasn't expecting to see who was standing their

"Omg!" I whispered

The people who were standing in my living room was non other then Bree, Carly, max, jack, and Preston I then run over to Carly and Bree and hug them I then went to Preston and hugged him I then hugged max

"Aw why am I lady." Jack said I then went to him and gave him a bear hug

"Cause I save he best for last" I teased as I laughed

"She likes me better then you losers" jack said sticking his tongue out at the others

I walked over to gray and wrapped my arms around him I then looked at him and he did me and then he started to kiss me

"I think she likes my brother better" Bree whispered

"Alright guys you can jump each other bones later" Carly said and we jumped apart I felt the blush creep up on my face

"We are here to celebrate Erica being her cast is off and she's doing a lot better we are going to the beach now change into your bathing suit and let's go" Preston said and I smiled

The day went on we went to the beach and we had an amazing time we build sand castles I went into the water and swam I had so much fun

Me and the girls and laying down on our beach towels tanning on the beach Next thing we knew was we heard a phone go off it was Max's phone

"Max your phone." Carly called to him and he came jogging over he took the phone and answered it

"Hello?" He answered

"Yes okay, okay we will be their right away" he said

"What's going on?" Gray then asked

"We need to leave they got a rouge." He said we then packed up everything and went back to the house

Once we reached the house we said our good bye's and they left

2 hours later

Grayson has been trapped in the room I can tell he's worried

"Grayson..." I whispered as I went into the room

He sat on the bed typing away I see he's busy doing alpha work

I make my way over to the bed and I climbed on to the bed I say next to him and I put my arms around him and I kissed his cheek

"It's okay baby." I said "baby take a break your tensed."

"I can't." He flatly said

"Come on baby you been stuck in here you check your phone every 2 minutes your tense take a break and breath." I said

"No Erica I can't take a break they found a rogue and it might have something to do with j and who ever is after you, now would you just do me a favor and leave me alone!!"He snapped at me I looked at him shocked and pulled away and I get up on the bed he then looked at me and then he sighed

"Erica I'm sorry-" he couldn't even Finish what he was going to say because I was already of the room

I went outside it was a bit chilly out lucky I was wearing sweat pants and a sweater.

The next thing I knew was I smelt something I shouldn't have

'They are here' my wolf said

I stood up and followed the sent

Grayson's P.O.V

I sat on the bed typing away on my laptop waiting for my phone to go off and next thing I knew it went off

"Hello?" I said

"Grayson where is Erica!" Max asked

"What's going on?" I asked

"The rogues they sent was a decoy they know where you are get Erica and get it if there" he said i then looked around the house but I couldn't find her

"Max I can't find her!" I said

"Relax okay keep looking we are on our way be there in an hour!" He said and hung up

Erica's P.O.V

I ran I was on the beach I followed the sent

'Mate, wait for mate, danger, danger' my wolf said to me but I kept going something in my told me to keep going so I did.

'Mate, mate, wait for mate' my wolf kept saying to me but I blocked her out

They were close, really close.

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