Chapter 6

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Grayson's P.O.V

"what is taking this girl so long?" her uncle said

"not sure, but ill go check on her" i said walking in side and up to her room i opened the door to her room and i don't see her in here. I then walk into her bathroom and she isn't in here either i walk back out then i noticed her phone on her bed and her bedroom window open i go and pick up her phone and i open it then i saw a letter

"shit" i said and i ran down stairs and into the backyard

"grayson whats wrong" he said once i got out side

"she's gone" i said

"what do you mean she's gone" he said and i showed him her letter

"dammit" he whispered

"alright i'll go back to the pack and put out a search party have them looking in the woods, why don't you drive around and go to her favorite places she likes to go" i said and he nodded and we part way

a few minutes later i arrive at the pack house once i get out of my car i run into the house and into the living room

"gray, whats wrong" carly asked me as she stood up and faced me

"Erica..she's...shes missing!" I tried to say as I was catching my breath

"Missing what do you mean she's missing" Carly asked

"She ran away!!" I then said

"So what are we standing round here for?" Carly said and we run out

It's been an hour and we are still looking through the woods the others are looking in their wolf form but I stood in my human form

"AHHHHHH" we heard a scream in the distance

'Mate!' My wolf screams 'mates in trouble, rogues..' he says I take off my bag and set it down, then I quickly shift into my wolf and I grab the bag holding into in my mouth and I dash off

A few minutes later I stalk my way up being quite as I can I hid behind trees and I see Erica being surrounded by wolves

I then jump out and over the rogue standing in front of Erica the others then come out and attack the rogues killings them all

A few minutes later they are all dead and we have all shifted back and gotten into our clothes

"Erica are you okay!!" Carly said hugging her and she just nodded

"Come on let's go back" I said and I look at Erica

"Your uncle is on his way to the pack house" I said and she just nodded so I begin to walk but after a few seconds I noticed she hasn't moved yet

"Coming?" I questions and she nodded quickly she started to move but then she fell but jack caught her

"I'll carry her" jack said

"No she can walk." I said

"Gray, she's shaking she can't walk she's scared shitless!" Jack protested

"Not my fault she shouldn't have run off" I flatly said

"Gray stop being a jack ass your mate is scared shitless I'm carrying her!!" He snarled at me

"I'm your alpha show some respect!" I used my alpha voice

"Yea well I'm also your best friend!" He said

"Here listen to this" Carly said giving my mate her phone and put the head phones in her ears so she can listen to music

Erica's P.O.V

The music is calming and I'm just looking up at the trees and the sky as we head back to the pack house jack is still carrying me my head is rested against his chest

'Hey Erica' I hear someone say it sounded like jack, I must be hearing things

'Your not hearing things Erica' that voice said again I then look up at jack and he is looking down at me with a smile

'It's called mind link' he said as he looked up again

'So why did you run away?' He suddenly asked

'It's to much..I became something, i don't even know how it happened, and then I was supposed to hear the "truth" that my uncle knew and had answers to but to hear them...I wasn't sure if I was able to handle it...not sure if I am able to handle hearing them now.' I said

'Some times it's better to face your fears then to run from them' he softly said

'Your strong Erica, and I know your going to be a great Luna and I'm glad to call you Luna even if the alpha is being a major jackass.' He said and that put a little smile on my face 'you scared him you know, when you ran. He freaked out, not sure why he isn't the one carrying you right now and being a total ass. I have no clue but I'm sure he's glad your safe and back, just don't run out on us like that again' he added

He's right...

I feel really bad that I ran away when I shouldn't have.

I ran because I was scared to know the truth

About a few minutes later we finally reach the pack house

Once we reach the door jack sets me down

'Are you able to walk?' Jack asked me and I nodded once we went inside i was instantly pulled into a bear hug by the one and only

"Erica are you okay?" My uncle asked me and I looked up at him and nodded

"We should talk just me and you." He said and he started to pull me outside

"Wait" I suddenly said freeing my hand and I look back

"I want jack, Carly, and max to come to" I said

"Okay why don't you all come then" uncle said

"No just them just those 3" I said not looking at gray but I heard him walk away

"You guys go ima stay with the alpha." Max said and we nodded With that we went outside

Once outside we all take a set


Hey guys sorry it took me so long to publish this chapter, I just been very busy with work and stuff and trying to work on my other stories as well but please just bear with me

Let me know what you think about this new chapter!! Vote, comment, follow

Cheers guys

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