Chapter 9

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We had finally arrived back to the pack house at this point i wanted revenge i wanted blood. my eyes have been the color of my wolfs eyes for the longest time now

"oh Erica baby im sooo sorry" his mom said about to pull me into a hug but grayson put himself in between me and her

"not a good idea mom" he told her then she took a good look at my eyes

"oooooh" she said backing away a little

"Well come we need to talk" she said and we followed her

About a minute later we arrive to the alphas to offices.

Well more like mines and Grayson's office

"Explain.." I suddenly said

"Excuse me?" His dad asked

"Explain how he was killed. How did you find him?" I said slowly

"He invited us over for dinner. By the time he got their he was dead. His throat was ripped out looked him he put up a good fight tho, who ever killed him left this note." He said handing me the note "its for you." I then opened it and read it my breathing started to get heavy I felt tears run down my eyes. My blood was boiling

Should of came, should of chosen me now your going to pay. See you soon sweet pea
Love j

"Who's j?" Grayson asked

"He's and ex of mine. Remember that one time you came over and their was a guy at my front door." I asked


"let go!!" she growled as she tried to break free the next thing i knew was he went to kiss her but before i knew it i ran up behind him i squeezed the pressure point on his shoulder which made him let her go i shoved him out of the way and i stood in front of her

"she asked you to leave!" i said lowly

"and who are you to be interfering this is non of your business!" he said

"she's my friend and that makes it my business so leave now or you won't just be leaving here with a broken pride" i spat out at him

"i'll be back love don't forget that!" he said then walked away

Flashback over

"Oh right" he said

"Well we need to up security then we need to find and stop him so Erica we need to know everything. How he looks like how he dress-"

"No I just need to be alone" I snapped cutting over grays dad I then got up and left I ran right into the woods once I made it outside

Grayson was trailing close behind but that made me run faster I had to get away, after what seemed like forever but only been about a few minutes of running i finally got him off my trail i walk up to this lagoon

I sat down next to it staring at the clear water I then lied down looked up at the sky I decided to put on the scientist by Coldplay

I couldn't help but think over everything that happened

Nothing good has happened since I became this thing.

I mean yea I have amazing friends the best boyfriend and a loving family

But then I couldn't help but remember all the bad things so I decided to make a list

1. Me having to lead a pack, having to deal with the pressure that comes with it.

The secret that lies withinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora