Chapter 10

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Erica's P.O.V

I'm sitting up I run my figures through my hair the next thing I knew was Grayson Carly and the other burst in my room

"Erica..."I heard gray whisper he then walked over to me and gave me a hug

"I'm glad your okay." He whispered as I hugged him back

"Come on." He said and he picked me up but I started to whimper because of the pain in my side I then held my side

"What's wrong." He said

"My side hurts..." I whisper I felt tears run down my cheeks because it hurt to much

"I'm sorry baby" he whispered I then kissed his cheek

"It's alright" I whispered

"Here is the medicine" Nina said then handed it to me I then take the Medicine and we left

We make it back to the pack house once we got inside we went into the living gray then sat me on the couch he the took one of the pillows on the couch max lifted up my broken leg and gray pulled the coffee table a bit loser he set the pillow down and max set my leg on top of the pillow leveling it

"we came up with a plan" gray started to say "i'm taking you back to the beach house, we will stayed there until these people who are after you is found and once they are they won't see the light of day while we are there it will give you a chance to recover" he told me

"When we are leaving" I asked

"Now." He said "once we pack our bags we are leaving." And with that he picked me up and brought me upstairs

He started to pack the bags with his clothes I noticed he was frantic and stressed he was running around

"Gray." I said but no answer "graaaay" I called out again I then sighed getting a bit annoyed

"GRAYSON!" I yelled which caught him off guard

"Come here" I said and so he did he stood in front of me I then wrapped my arms around him and I looked up at him

"It's okay baby, calm down just finish up with your bag and I'll tell you what I need okay." I said and he nodded "just take a breath" and so he did

He then finished packing his bag then he started to get my clothes

"What else do you need?" He asked

"Get me, my brush, blow dryer, tampons, pads, and my vanilla shampoo, conditioner, and my coconut body wash, and body lotion." I told him and he nodded once he finished packing my stuff he grabbed his bag and put his laptop and anything else he needed in his bag

"Anything else you need?" He asked

"Pass me my school bag" I said and he did once I took it from him I opened up my bag and I took all the stuff I had in there out I then placed my laptop and my laptop charger

Once I was finished putting whatever I needed in my bag, jack and Carly then came up

"Oh good, can you guys please carry the bags down and put them into my car" gray said and they nodded

Once they left he then picked me up and we left we went down into the living room to say good bye

"Here Nina brought this over for her" Bree said gray set me down I leaned against him I then grab the Crutches

"Thanks" I said with a smile

"You guys be carful" his mother said hugging us and we nodded

"Gray you take care of her" Carly said and he smiled

"Of course I will" and he hugged her and then she hugged me

After we said by to everyone we left

After an hour of being in the car I rested on head against the window and with that I fell asleep

'We are coming Erica..' I heard whispers

'There's no running Erica your mine like you were meant to be' I heard the whispers

'No more. Erica, Mine, no more running no more running Erica,....Erica.' They were more

"Erica wake up!" Next thing I knew my eyes shit open my breathing was heavy I then looked at gray

"We are here" gray said and I nodded he grabbed my crutches and helped me out of the car I then grabbed my bag he helped me put it on he then put his bag on his back and he grabbed the 2 backs he then closed the trunk and locked the car and we went inside

Once inside we went straight to the room we set our stuff down

"Are you hungry?" He asked me and I nodded

"How is your leg and ribs are you in any pain any discomfort?" He asked and I couldn't help but smile

"No I'm fine" I said and with that we went down stairs

"What are you in the mood for?" He asked me.

"Surprise me." I said and he smiled

I went into the living room and I turned on the tv to look for something to watch

After a few minutes of looking I found something to watch and it is.....

Drum roll please

Z nation

I had decided to turn on Netflix and looked for something and I came across Z nation

My favorite show ever

A few minutes into the show Gray came in holding two plays

"Ooooh steak!" I said happily

"Your such a nerd!" He said noticing I am watching z nation

Once we finished eating we stopped we finished up the episode we turned everything off and went up stairs

"I'm sorry baby that you have Togo through this I'm sorry." He said i then looked up at him

"Don't be sorry baby I went off on my own. I shouldn't have I should of been more carful." I said

"Don't blame yourself I love you gray and I'm here I'm breathing!" I said and kissed his cheek

"I love you to." He whispered kissing the top of my head and with that we went to bed

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