Hanna and the nightclub

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-Louis’s P.O.V.-

We’ve been in the club for about 2 hours, everyone’s really hammered and this girl I met called Hanna is really starting to take an interest in me. She’s really pretty – she has golden brown hair with eyes that are exactly the same colour, an amazing figure and sun kissed skin. She beckons me over and with the drunken trance I’m in, I obey. She pulls me closer to her until our lips are millimetres away and she whispers “Louis, I really like you and I was wondering whether…” but she never got to finish because I interrupted her by pressing my lips against hers… I pull back slightly and say “Wanna find a room?” she nods eagerly and we run off hand in hand in search of somewhere more private…

-Harry’s P.O.V.-

“Hey guys… have you seen Louis? He’s been gone for a while now… where do you think he can have got to?” I ask but all I get in response is blank expressions and people telling me not to worry about him…

-Hanna’s P.O.V.-

He buries his head in my hair and kisses my neck “Louis…” I moan sucking his earlobe, touching his bear abs. He leans up for a second starts to say something but I pull him back down to my lips before he can… He rolls over so I’m on top… Then Sam my boyfriend walks in “Hanna! There you are I’ve been looking…” Then he sees Louis, “WHO’S THIS?!? I’M YOUR BOYFRIEND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!?!” he yells and grabs Louis off me throws his clothes at him and slams the door in his face…

-Louis’s P.O.V.-

He slams the door in my face and I can hear yelling from inside ‘She had a boyfriend…’ I think ‘How could she?’ I pull my clothes back on and go back downstairs all depressed and sad. I get to the bottom of the stairs and hear a familiar voice shout “BOYS!!! I found him!!” It was Niall “Where’ve you been mate? We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” then he sees my sad face and says “What’s wrong? You look really upset…” sympathetically. I shake my head and mumble “Nothing…” “Really? Cos it doesn’t look like nothing…” so I tell him anything and make him promise not to tell anyone else… Then the others turn up and I say “I’m pretty pooped… can we go home?” they all nod and we go back to our apartment and just go to bed…

*8 and a half months later*

-Hanna’s P.O.V.-

It’s been almost 9 months since I saw Louis, they father to my baby, I’m sure of it, because on the night at the club after Sam chucked Louis out he dumped me and I’d never had it before… or after he dumped me… so it had to be him…

I’m in the kitchen making breakfast for Jack (My new boyfriend who isn’t too happy that I’m pregnant), Sophie (My totally supportive best friend) and myself (a 20 year old pregnant idiot who hasn’t seen the father of her baby since it was conceived…) when I start to feel clenches in my lower area. Sophie walks in and sees that I’m in pain “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?” I manage to nod and she starts to panic. “JACK!” she yells and he runs down the stairs to find me bent over and deep breathing like I’ve been told to “Call an ambulance!” “Ok…” he starts to look for a phone “NOW!” she yells really annoyed that he’s not being very speedy or alert.

An ambulance arrived 5 minutes later, by which time my waters had broken and I was in A LOT of pain…

When we get to the hospital I’m rushed to an operating theatre, I’m told that the baby’s on it’s side and won’t be able to be born unless I have a caesarean, so I agree and am taken in, still clutching onto Jack’s hand. About an hour later I’m sat up with a beautiful baby girl in my arms, I know she’s definitely Louis’s now because she has the same beautiful blue eyes and nose, but my lips “I want her to be called Felicité…” I say, I want her to be named after Louis’s sister, but I don’t want Jack to know that “Felicité Vivian Parks” (Vivian after my mum) I’ve lost a lot of blood and I know I won’t be long for this world so I say to Jack “Jack, I love you, and I always will… but I know I won’t live much longer, I’ve lost too much blood… But I want you to know that you don’t have to keep her,” I say gesturing to Felicité, “I mean she’s not yours… so I’ll understand if you don’t… but if you don’t I want you to take her to Louis… explain what’s happened and tell him that it was my last wish…” I can feel myself getting weaker and weaker… I hear a long beep and desperate crying… then I’m properly gone, being picked up by dainty angels, no longer in pain… just in happiness…

5 men and a baby (a One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now