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It was the first day I laid my eyes on him.
It was the first day of junior year. I walked into class and sat next to my bestest friend, Violet. I wrapped my arms around her and smiled.

"Hi. I missed you!" She hugged me back and pulled out her drawing journal. "I drew this while I was on the train today." I smiled at her and nodded my head. She went back to doodling in her book. I looked around the room looking at the familiar faces from the past years in school. Burton High school is a small school, everyone knows each other. My math teacher, Mrs. Ville walked across the front of the room and closed the door. She gave work sheets to each row and told the students to pass it back.

"This is the syllabus for the semester. We are going to go over it. Make sure to go home and make your parents sign the back of this sheet." I rolled my eyes knowing what's going to be on here. It's the same syllabus every year. Don't be late to class, do your homework, the class expectations, class rules, and so on.

"Hello class, my name is Mrs. Ville, for those of you who don't know me. For this class you'll need a notebook, preferably a composition notebook, pencils, a graphing calculator and a folder. On your syllabus sheet we'll start with the class rules. Be respectful to the people around you. This could be for your peers or any other teacher that you have. Second, whenever you come in  late, sign the late book. If you come after the Do Now and the class discussion is done, you will lose 5 points off of your classwork grade. Next, the school has a policy that only allows you go to the bathroom at certain periods for a certain amount of time. You can not go to the bathroom at the first and last ten minutes of class. Allows be prepared and follow di-" I heard the classroom door creak open and looked at its direction, turning Mrs.Villes voice into muffled sounds. A
guy stood awkwardly at the door, looking back at the students. He quietly closed the door and walked to the only available seat in the room.

My eyes followed his steps. His legs were long and skinny, shoved into tight black jeans. He wore a black button down t-shirt with the top three unbuttoned, revealing the top of a butterfly tattoo. The front of his hair was pushed back while the rest of it was filled with soft curls and waves. His eyes were a deep green, reflecting the classroom light making them twinkle. He didn't seem like most of the guys in my school. The ones who would sleep with a different girl everyday. The ones that would play their distasteful music on their speakers. Don't get my wrong, there are great guys in my school like some of my friends but, he just had this subtle sexy class that no other person had.

The rest of the period went by. I would constantly glance back at the boy, zoning out on the teacher. The class bell rang.Violet and I got out of our seats and walked to our next class.

Thanks to bwayloser  and DeadSummer for helping me edit this story. 😊

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