Chapter 4

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“Hey, hey. She’s alive, she’s freaking alive”, I had brunet screamed. Gawking down at something deep inside the rubble.

I saw myself with ragged jeans and dust all over my face.

I walked up to her and saw a young boy, round the age of 6 with blonde hair and sky blue eyes looking up at me.

I felt a smile spread across my face – ear to ear.

“well-done”, I said , he nodded slightly before groaning and rubbing the back of his neck.

I knelt in front of him, ignoring the shooting pain racing up my right leg.

“hey why don’t you go over there”? I said whilst pointing to a group of injured kids that were being tended to by a guy with blonde hair and greenly blue eyes. He looked like he hadn’t washed for days, though he was smiling you could tell through his eyes he was concerned worried and even scared.

 “They’ll get you all the patched up you’ll be as strong as steel”. I told him before watching him limp towards the group of children. I heard my name being called from behind

I jerked my head back so fast I thought I might snap a bone in there. I saw brunette looking down into the rubble. I walked up to her and saw what she had found, no explanations were needed, nothing could stop the shattering of my heart. Nothing could ever replace my now dead sister.

In between the rubble I saw life less and pale Clara

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