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“Abigail…” Some one said , softly shaking me awake.

 “Abigail!” they repeated but sternly. 

Realization hit me. And boy did it hot me hard. I rapidly got up causing the chair – which I was currently seated on- to fly backwards and roughly land on the floor .

I looked around and saw student gathered round . I saw some looking shocked and others trying to hide their giggles .Mrs Chambers (my geography teacher), her hand for  me to take , me being me I left it hanging mid-air and pushed my self up with my sore hands .

“That hurt like fu……”I began but remembered I was in class and probably in enough trouble already.

“Excuse me !?” Mrs Chambers sounded genuinely confused, giving me disappointed glances .

If glares could kill I’d probably be dead by now . Plus I cant exactly go to the police station and say,

“My geography teachers trying to kill me !”

“How can you be so sure ?”The fat officer would ask .And I’d stupidly say  .

“She gives me death glares!” And the fat cop would put down his greasy do-nought that was covered with chocolate sprinkle's just to kick me out - I shook my head trying to banish the thought from my mind .

“Nothing miss !” I started until she caught me off guard .

“Detention. After school.3:00 be there or its, suspension for two weeks .How dare you fall asleep in my lesson ….”

She trailed on .

I didn't bother listening to the rotten lecture she was about to give me , so I stomped out of class and into the crowded corridor .

“Stupid Mrs Chamber” I muttered under my breath , and glanced down at my timetable.

From another persons point of view I must have looked like a messed up angry psychopath how looked like she wanted to kill the paper she was clenching onto for dear life.

Yeah weird , I know . Its kind of in my genes so you cant blame me. Blame my parents.

“Oh lord ….please no “ I cried hoping that the geography lesson which was printed on column Thursday period four would

vanish , and it would say that I had art in stead .

But no my life hates me !

I pulled myself together and angrily stomped  my way to geography - to hell !!

I knocked on Mrs Chambers classroom door impatiently. Despite the fact I knocked I walked in andbegan to babble (which I tend to do quite allot -its also part of one of awesome genes that has been passed down to me - so yeah don’t mind me and my … uhm babbling)

“Sorry for the inconvenience miss but I

Im in here again” I whispered but loud enough for her to

hear me .

I watched as her eyes widened with ever step I took to my seat . all around me I heard my so called peers begin to whisper things about my little incident - what do you expect this is secondary school after all

“Yay life!” I thought to myself

“you do realize you said that out loud ?” Chloe ,my best friend - in the whole wide world may I add ,told me 

“What ?”I practically screeched .

“Yay life !” she mocked my bored tone .

My brows furrowed together as I watched her suspiciously and took my time settling in to the chair .

“Denial is the best option here.” I decided quickly in my mind .

“you said that out loud too you know ?”Chloe said smirking like a maniac -who had lost a tooth and was trying to hide it but still try to show there biggest ever smile.(which is really weird)

“ugh !” I cried in frustration whilst sinking lower into my seat as Mrs chamber yapped on about longitude and latitude.

“Don’t fall asleep “Chloe reminded me . I could almost hear her smiling whilst she said that . I rolled my eyes at her and allowed sleep to consume me once again.

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