Chapter 15. Models?

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When we left it was raining really hard and I tried to just get into the car so Taylor just pulled me close. We danced and twirled in slow motion and of course we had the ever so popular kiss in the rain, like in The Notebook, but in a cal de sac. We had smiles plastered to our faces like we were in a musical. I wanted to scream at the extreme creepiness.

A thunder clap woke me up from my dream harshly and for that I was thankful. After that dream that was so disturbing I don't even want to think about, my stomach was in knots over the photo shoot that was happening today but at least I got to skip school for a day. My parents were nothing but thrilled when I told them and immediately agreed. I would be one of the faces of The Black Hearts Clothing Company if I was nervous or not. I got up and put on my white hi-top converse, black leggings, a sweatshirt and a beanie. I also packed an outfit for later with the rest of my stuff in a tote.

"JESS, COME ON! LET'S GO!" Taylor yelled from outside and honked his horn

"YOU'RE GOING TO WAKE UP THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD! HOLD ON A SEC" I yelled back and stormed to the car with my bag in hand

"I swear to god Taylor, if you want to keep all your limbs don't fucking rush me again" I said walking up to the car when I was ready

"You're cute when you're mad, Little Bear" he said with a charming smile

"Oh yea well you're an ass when you're an ass" I said


"Its way too early for this shit. We taking your car or mine and Bella's?" smooth, I thought

"Uh mine but we gotta stop for gas" he said "And snacks" he said under his breath and I chuckled quietly


When we got there we went in to get some food. I got Salt and Vinegar chips, an Arizona tea and a chocolate bar.

"You're having a chocolate bar for breakfast?" he said

I rolled my eyes "What are you getting?"

"An actual breakfast sandwich and orange juice"

"mmmhm" I said getting into the car while crunching loudly on a chip


We'd been driving for a while now and I was very bored having to sit there so long (only about an hour) I found his camera in the glove compartment and turned it on. I decided to vlog like I was a Youtuber.

"Hey guys were on our way to this photo shoot. Sitting in his car is so boring. Taylor is driving" I put the camera on him

"Hi" he said shifting his gaze to the camera

"Hey! Keep your eyes on the road buddy" I said to him "So we're going to model some clothes"

"Black Hearts clothing company, look it up!" he said "their instagram is at Black-underscore- Hearts and we should be on there soon"

"Have you seen their clothes?"


"I went on their instagram and their website and I love it all and had to step away before I bought everything" I went on a rant "There's this crop top I might get that says 'Surprise bitch' and I saw this nice shirt Taylor should get and some shorts I might get for my sister's birthday"

"They're just clothes" he said

"That's such a boy comment" I said rolling my eyes "Are we almost there?"


"No really how close are we?" I whined

"Little Bear we'll get there when we get there" he said

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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