1. The Beginning

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When I was in sixth grade I was...... happy. I was naïve and ignorance is bliss as they say. I cared so much about the clothes I wore and what other people thought of me. I had tons to friends but one in particular. Her name was Pari. She was Indian and didn't care one bit that she stood out in our mostly white suburb in Florida. She had the most dramatic and vibrant personality ever. Needless to say she was an amazing friend who always pushed me to be confident in what I did. We used to dance together on our school's dance team and go surfing but she also played lead in all the school's plays and musicals.

One day in seventh grade, she stopped coming to school. I texted, called, facebooked and IMed her but all went unanswered. At school word had gotten around that she went missing so I went to her house which was basically my second home since we had been friends since kindergarden. Her mom opened the door and I could tell she was tired and hadn't slept in days.

"Hi Mrs. Singh mind if I talk to Pari"

She told me Pari was nowhere to found then burst into tears. Not a few tears that came down in a sad movie but in loud desperate sobs that was almost scary. I rushed her inside and made her some tea and wrapped her in a blanket on the couch. She drank the tea and quickly fell asleep so I walked home. I didn't cry. Not once. I couldn't. I didn't talk to anyone and stayed expressionless, going through the motions for a longtime. All my other friends eventually moved on and stopped trying to get me to participate in life. That's when I started reading books. I read to get my mind off of what was really going on in my own life.

My mom took me to the doctor who told her that I was depressed and that I should go to a psychologist. I begged her not to make we go. She didn't make me because it was the most expression I had shown in a long time.

In the middle of my freshman year when I got home from school my mom told me that the police found Pari but she was dead in on old creek no one goes by anymore. I said nothing and barely moved as I went up to my room and shut the door as usual and didn't come out until dinner the next day.

When I went back to school I overheard a girl I used to be friends with talk to her minions about me when I was at my locker. "She's been acting all freaky since that girl Pari went missing last year but I'm inviting her anyway because we used to be best friends and all"

"you're a so nice" said minion #1

"Hey Jessica, here's the invite to my birthday party. Everyone's going to be there." She said in her high, annoying voice. I took the piece of pink cardstock with a ribbon tied to the corner and looked at it in my hand. I don't know why, but it annoyed me that annoying, spoiled brats like her got to live and Pari didn't. I ripped it into small pieces and walked away. The shocked look on their faces was priceless and caused an evil smile to spread across my lips where that emotion hadn't been in a long time.

"What a bitch" said minion#2

"that's what they call me!" I yelled back

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you liked it comment and tell me what you think and vote if you think i destrve it! -ChanelPrincess2801

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